Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйствоСодержание:00 standardization, quality management 01 technology management 02 economic management 04 common standards and methods 05 agriculture, forestry technology 07 electronic computer applications 08 logo, packaging, transportation, storage 09 health, safety, labor protection B00 GB/T 3543.1 - 1995 农作物种子检验规程总则 Rules for agricultural seed testing一General directives B00 GB/T 3543.2 - 1995 农作物种子检验规程扦样 Rules for agricultural seed testing - Sampling B00 GB/T 3543.3 - 1995 农作物种子检验规程净度分析 Rules for agricultural seed testing - Purity analysts B00 GB/T 3543.4 - 1995 农作物种子检验规程发芽试验 Rules for agricultural seed testing - Germination test B00 GB/T 3543.6 - 1995 农作物种子检验规程真实性和品种纯度鉴定 Rules for agricultural seed testing - Verification of genuineness and cultivar B00 GB/T 3543.6 - 1995 农作物种子检验规程水分测定 Rules for agricultural seed testing - Determination of moisture content B00 GB/T 3543.7 - 1995 农作物种子检验规程其他项目检验 Rules for agricultural seed testing - Other testing B00 GB/T 19537 - 2004 蔬菜加工企业HACCP体系审核指南 Guide for audition on HACCP system for vegetable processing B04 GB/T 10220 - 1988 感官分析方法总论 Sensory analysis - Methodology - General guidance B04 GB/T 10221 - 1998 感官分忻术语 Sensory analysis - Vocabulary B04 GB/T 12310 - 1990 感官分析方法成对比较检验 Sensory analysis method - Paired comparison test B04 GB/T 12311 - 1990 感官分析方法三点检验 Sensory analysis method - Triangular test B04 GB/T 12312 - 1990 感官分析味觉敏感度的测定 Sensory analysis - Determination of sensitivity of taste B04 GB/T 12313 - 1990 感官分析方法风味剖面检验 Sensory analysis method - Flavor profile test B04 GB/T 12314 - 1990 感官分析方法不能直接感官分析的样品制备准则 Sensory analysis method - Guide lines for the preparation of samples for which direct sensory analysis is not feasible B04 GB/T 12315 - 1990 感官分析方法排序法 Sensor analysis - Methodology - Ranking B04 GB/T 12316 - 1990 感官分析方法“A”.“非A”检验 Sensory analysis - Methodology - "A" – “not” - ”A'test B04 GB/T 13868 - 1992 感官分析建立感官分析实验室的一般导则 Sensory analysis - General guidance for the design 0f test rooms B04 GB/T 14195 - 1993 感官分析选拔与培训感官分析优选评价员导则 Sensory analysis - General guidance for the selection and training of selected assessors B04 GB/T 15401 - 1994 水果、蔬菜及其制品亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐含量的测定 Fruits,vegetables and derived products - Determination of nitrite and nitrate content B04 GB/T 15402 - 1994 水果、蔬菜及其制品钠、钾含量的测定 Fruits, vegetables and derived products - Determination of sodium and potassium 1304 GB/T 15403 - 1994. 大豆制品甲酚红指数的测定 Determination of cresol red index for soya bean products B04 GB/T 15549 - 1995 感官分析方法学检测和识别气味方面评价员的人门和培训 Sensory analysis - Methodology - Initiation and training of assessors in the detection and recognition of odours B04 GB/T 16290 - 1996 感官分析方法学使用标度评价食品 Sensory analysis - Methodology - Evaluation of food products by methods using scales B04 GB/T 16291 - 1996 感官分析专家的选拔、培训和管理导则 Sensory analysis - General - guidance for the selection,training and monitoring of experts 1304 GB/T 16860 - 1997 感官分析方法质地剖面检验 Sensory analysis methodology - Texture profile B04 GB/T 16861 - 1997 感官分析通过多元分析方法鉴定和选择用于建立感官剖面的描述词 Sensory analysis - identification and selection of descriptors for establishing a sensory profile by a multidimensional approach B04 GB/T 17321 - 1998 感官分析方法二、三点检验 Sensory analysis method - Duo - trio test B04 GB/T 19495.1 - 2004转基因产品检测通用要求和定义 Detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - General requirements and definitions B04 GB/T 19495.2 - 2004转基因产品检测实验室技术要求 Detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - General requirements for laboratories B04 GB/T 19495.3 - 2004转基因产品检测核酸提取纯化方法 Detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - Nucleic acid extraction B04 GB/T 19495.4 - 2004转基因产品检测核酸定性PCR检测方法 Detecti6n of genetically modified organisms and derived products - Qualitative nucleic acid based methods B04 GB/T 19495.5 - 2004转基因产品检测核酸定量PCR检测方法 Detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - Quantitative nucleic acid based methods B04 GB/T 19495.6 - 2004转基因产品检测基因芯片检测方法 Detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - Cone - chip detection B04 GB/T 19495.7 - 2004转基因产品检测抽样和制样方法 Detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - Methods for sampling and sample preparation B04 GB/T 19495.8 - 2004转基因产品检测蛋白质检测方法 Detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - Protein based methods B04 GB/T 19547 - 2004 - 感官分析方法学量值估计法 Sensory analysis - Methodology - Magnitude estimation method B06 GB/T 19567.1 - 2004植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南总则 General directives for the conduct of tests of distinctness uniformity and stability for new varieties 0f plants B05 GB/T 19557.2 - 2004植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南 普通小麦 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability - Wheat B05 GB/T 19557.3 - 2004植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南硬粒小麦 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness uniformity and stability - Durum wheat B05 GB/T 19557.4 - 2004植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南大豆 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness uniformity and stability - Soybean B05 GB/T 19557.5 - 2004植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南大白菜 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness uniformity and stability - Chinese cabbage B05 GB/T 19567.6 - 2004植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南苎麻 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness uniformity and stability - Ramie B06 GB/T 19557.7 - 2004植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南水稻 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness uniformity and stability - Rice B05 GB/T 19557.8 - 2004植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南李 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness uniformity and stability – Plum B08 GB/T 7414 - 1987 主要农作物种子包装 Seed packing of main agricultural crops B08 GB/T 7415 - 1987 主要农作物种子贮藏 Seed storage of main agricultural crops B08 GB/T 9829 - 1988 水果和蔬菜冷库中物理条件定义和测量 Fruits and vegetables - Physical condition in cold stores. - - Definitions and measurement B08 GB/T9830 - 1988 水果和蔬菜冷藏后的催熟 Fruits and vegetables - Ripening after cold storage B08 GB/T 10547 - 1989 柑桔储藏 Citrus storage B08 GB/T 14704 - 1993 结球甘蓝贮藏技术 Round headed cabbage cold storage technique |
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