Водные продукты, рыбная ловляСодержание:50 aquatic products, fisheries - general 51 mariculture and products 52 freshwater aquaculture products and 53 fresh seafood 54 fisheries feed 56 equipment for Aquatic products, fishing B50 GB/T 18654.1 - 2002养殖鱼类种质检验第1部分:检验规则 Inspection of germplasm for cultured fishes - Part 1: Inspection rule B50 GB/T 18654.2 - 2002养殖鱼类种质检验第2部分:抽样方法 Inspection of germplasm for cultured fishes - Part 2: Sampling method B50 GB/T 18654.3 - 2002养殖鱼类种质检验第3部分:性状测定 Inspection of germplasm for cultured fishes - Part 3: Measurement of characters B50 GB/T 18654.8 - 2002养殖鱼类种质检验第8部分:耗氧率与临界窒息点的测定 Inspection of germplasm for cultured fishes - Part 8: Determination oxygen consuming rate and critical stifling point B50 GB/T 18654.9 - 2002养殖鱼类种质检验第9部分:含肉率测定 Inspection of germplasm for cultured fishes - Part 9: Determination of dressing percentage BS0 GB/T 18654.10 - 2002养殖鱼类种质检验第lO部分:肌肉营养成分的测定 Inspection of germplasm for cultured fishes - Part 10: Determination on nutrient content of muscle BS0 GB/T 18654.12 - 2002养殖鱼类种质检验第12部分:染色体组型分析 Inspection of germplasm for cultured fishes - Part 12:Method for the karyotype analysis B51 GB/T 15101.1 - 1994中国对虾养殖亲虾 Cultivation of penaeus chinensis osbeck - Parent shrimp B51 GB/T 15101.2 - 1994中国对虾养殖苗种 Cultivation of penaeus chinensis osbeck - Seedling B51 GB/T 15807 - 1995 海带养殖夏苗苗种 Cultivation of laminaria summer seedling B51 GB/T 18108 - 2000 鲜海水鱼 Fresh marine fish B51 GB/T 18109 - 2000 冻海水鱼 Frozen marine fish B51 GB/T 18781 - 2002 养殖珍珠分级 Cultured pearl grading B51 GB 19162 - 2003 梭鱼 Mullet B52 GB/T 5055 - 1997 青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙亲鱼 GB 5055 - 1985 Parents fish of black carp,grass carp,silver carp and bighead carp B52 GB/T 9950 - 1988 青鱼鱼苗、鱼种质量标准 Standard for guality of black carp fry and fingerling B52 GB/T 10029 - 2000 团头鲂 GB 10029 - 1988 Bluntnose black bream B52 GB/T 10030 - 1988 团头鲂鱼苗、鱼种质量标准 Standards for quality of blunt head bream fry and fingerling B52 GB/T 11776 - 1989 草鱼鱼苗、鱼种质量标准 Standards for quality of grass carp - Fry and fingerling B52 GB/T 1 1777 - 1989 鲢鱼鱼苗、鱼种质量标准 Standards for quality of silver carp - Fry and finger - ling B52 GB/T 11778 - 1989 鳙鱼鱼苗、鱼种质量标准 Standards for quality of bighead carp - Fry and finger - ling B52 GB/T 16871 - 1997 梭鱼亲鱼和鱼种 Mullet standard for parent fish and fingerling B52 GB/T 16872 - 1997 栉孔扇贝苗种 Seedling off axrer’s scallop B52 GB/T 16873 - 1997 散鳞镜鲤 Scattered mirror carp B52 GB/T 16874 - 1997 方正银鲫 Fangzheng crucian carp B52 GB/T 16875 - 1997 兴国红鲤 The red carp of xingguo B52 GB 17715 - 1999 草鱼 Grass carp B52 GB 17716 - 1999 青鱼 Black carp B52 GB 17717 - 1999 鲢 Silver carp B52 GB 17718 - 1999 鳙 Bighead carp B52 GB/T 18395 - 2001 彭泽鲫 Pengze crucian carp B52 GB 19163 - 2003 牛蛙 Bull frog B52 GB/T 19527 - 2004 青海湖裸鲤繁育技术规程 Technical specifications for naked carp breed B52 GB/T 19528 - 2004 奥尼罗非鱼亲本保存技术规范 Technique standard in holding the parents of hybrid between nile tilapia and blue tilapia B56 GB/T 3939.1 - 2004 主要渔具材料命名与标记 网线 Nomenclature and signs of main fishing gear material - - Netting twine B56 GB/T 3939.2 - 2004 主要渔具材料命名与标记网片 Nomenclature and signs of main fishing gear material - - Netting B56 GB/T 3939.3 - 2004 主要渔具材料命名与标记绳索 Nomenclature and signs of main fishing gear material - Rope B56 GB/T 3939.4 - 2004 主要渔具材料命名与标记浮子 Nomenclature and signs of main fishing gear material - Float B56 GB/T 3939.5 - 2004 主要渔具材料命名与标记沉子 Nomenclature and signs of main fishing gear material - Sinker B56 GB/T 4925 - 1985 合成纤维渔网片断裂强力与断裂伸长率试验方法 Testing method for breaking load and elongation of netting of synthetic fibre B56 GB/T 5147 - 2003 渔具分类、命名及代号 The classification,nomenclature and code of fishing gear B56 GB/T 6963 - 1986 渔具、渔具材料量、单位及符号 Quantities,units and symbols of fishing gear and materials for fishing gear B56 GB/T 6964 - 1986 渔网网目尺寸测量方法 Fishing nets - Method of measure for mesh size B56 GB/T 6965 - 2004 渔具材料试验基本条件预加张力 Testing basic terms of materials for fishing gear - Pretension B56 GB/T 8834 - 1988 绳索有关物理和机械性能的测定 Ropes - Determination of certain physical and mechanical properties B56 GB 11779 - 1989 东海、黄海区拖网网囊最小网目尺寸 The minimum mesh size of the trawl cod - end in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea B56 GB 11780 - 1989 南海区拖网网囊最小网目尺寸 The minimum mesh size of the trawl cod - end in South China Sea B56 GB/T 18673 - 2002 渔用机织网片通用技术条件 General technical specifications for machine weaving netting for fisheries B56 GB/T 19599.1 - 2004合成纤维渔网片试验方法 网片重量 Testing method for fishing nets of synthetic fibre - - Weight of netting B56 GB/T 19599.2 - 2004合成纤维渔网片试验方法网片尺寸 Testing method for fishnets of synthetic fibre - Size of netting |
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