Бизнес в Китае
Мини - заводы из Китая от компании MEGA POWER Hong Kong Croup Limited

Электротехнические измерительные инструменты

20 Электротехнические измерительные инструменты - общее
21 Электроизмерительные моделирующие приборы
22 Системы управления загрузкой и измерением веса
23 Числовые датчики
24 Магнитные измерительные приборы
25 Записывающие измерительные приборы постоянного/переменного тока
26 Комплекс измерительных систем
27 Записывающие измерительные приборы и оптические осциллоскоп
28 Расширители ограничений и обменники
29 Установки источника питания и проверки электрических параметров

N20 GB/T 4703 - 2001 电容式电压互感器
Capacitor voltage transformers
N20 GB/T 11161 - 1989 电测量仪表标度盘与标度尺
Dial and scale of electrical instruments
N20 GB/T 17563 - 1998 可程控测量设备标准数字接口的标准代码、格式、协议和公共命令
Standard codes, formats, protocols and common commands for use with standard digital interface for programmable instrumentation
N20 GB/T 18216.1 - 2000交流l 000 V和直流l 500 V以下低压配电系统电气安全防护检测的试验、测量或监控设备第l部分: 通用要求
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c.and l 500 V d.c.一Equipment for testing measuring or monitoring of protective measuring - Part l: General requirements
N20 GB/T 18216.2 - 2002交流1000V和直流1500V以下低压配电系统电气安全防护检测的试验、测量或监控设备第2部分: 绝缘电阻
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up t0 1000V a.c.and 1500V d.c.一Equipment for testing measuring or monitoring of protective measuring - Part 2: Insulation resistance
N21 GB/T 1242 - 2000 安装式指示和记录电测量仪表的尺寸
Dimensions for panel mounted indicating and recording electrical measuring instruments
N21 GB 6738 - 1986 电测量指示和记录仪表及其附件的安全要求
Safety requirements for indicating and recording electrical measuring instruments and their accessories
N21 GB/T 7676.1 - 1998 直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件第1部分: 定义和通用要求
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part l: Definition and general requirements common to all parts
N21 GB/T 7676.2 - 1998 直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件第2部分: 电流表和电压表的特殊要求
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 2: special requirements for ammeters and voltmeters
N21 GB/T 7676.3 - 1998 直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件第3部分: 功率表和无功率表的特殊要求
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 3: Special requirements for watt meters and varmeters
N21 GB/T 7676.4 - 1998 直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件第4部分: 频率表的特殊要求
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 4: Special requirements for frequency meters
N21 GB/T 7676.5 - 1998 直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件第5部分: 相位表、功率因数表和同步指示器的特殊要求
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 5: Special requirements for phase meters, power factor meters and synchroscopes
N21 GB/T 7676.6 - 1998 直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件第6部分: 电阻表(阻抗表)和电导表的特殊要求
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 6: Special requirements for ohmmeters(impedance meters)and conductance meters
N21 GB/T 7676.7 - 1998 直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件第7部分: 多功能仪表的特殊要求
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 7: Special requirements for multi-function instruments
N21 GB/T 7676.8 - 1998 直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件第8部分: 附件的特殊要求
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 8: Special requirement for accessories
N21 GB/T 7676.9 - 1998 直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件第9部分: 推荐的试验方法
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 9: Recommended test method
N21 GB/T 8218 - 1987 低压测电器
Low voltage tester
N21 GB/T 9091 - 1988 感应分压器
Inductive voltage dividers
N21 GB/T 11167 - 1989 直接动作电测量记录仪
Direct acting electrical measuring recorders
N21 GB 13486 - 2000 便携式热催化甲烷检测报警仪
Portable heating catalytic methane alarm detector
N22 GB/T 3925 - 1983 2.0级交流电度表的验收方法
Acceptance inspection of class 2 alternating current watthour meters
N22 GB/T 9092 - 1998 费率和负载控制时间开关
Time switch for tariff and load control
N22 GB/T 13850 - 1998 交流电量转换为模拟量或数字信号的电测量变送器
Electrical measuring transducers for converting a.c.electrical quantities to analogue or digital signals
N22 GB/T 13865 - 1992 电力定量器
Instrument for electric load control
N22 GB/T 15282 - 1994 无功电度表
Reactive energy meters
N22 GB/T 15283 - 1994 0.5、1和2级交流有功电度表
Class 0.5.1 and 2 alternating current watthour meters
N22 GB/T 15284 - 2002 多费率电能表特殊要求
Particular requirement for multi-rate electricity meters
N22 GB/T 17215 - 2002 1级和2级静止式交流有功电能表
Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy(Classes l and 2)
N22 GB/T 17441 - 1998 交流电度表符号
Symbols for alternating-current electricity meter
N22 GB/T 17442 - 1998 1级和2级直接接人静止式交流有功电度表验收检验
Acceptance inspection for direct connected alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy(classes 1 and 2)
N22 GB/T 17882 - 1999 2和3级静止式交流无功电度表
Alternating current static var-hour meters for reactive energy(classes 2 and3)
N22 G13/T 17883 - 1999 O.2s和O.5s级静止式交流有功电度表
Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy(classes 0.2S and 0.5S)
N22 GB/T 17884 - 1999 费率和负荷控制用电子式纹波控制接收机
Electronic ripple control receiver for tariff and load control
N22 GB/T 18460.1 - 2001 Ic卡预付费售电系统第l部分: 总则
Pre-payment vending system using integrated circuit(s)cards with contacts - Part 1: General principles
N22 GB/T 18460.2 - 2001 Ic卡预付费售电系统第2部分: IC卡及其管理
Pre-payment vending system using integrated circuit(s)cards with contacts - Part 2: IC card and its management
N22 GB/T 18460.3 - 2001 Ic卡预付费售电系统第3部分: 预付费电度表
Pre-payment vending system using integrated circuit(s)cards with contacts - Part 3: Pre-payment electricity meters
N23 GB/T 13970 - 1992 数字仪表基本参数系列
Basic parameter series of digital instruments
N23 GB/T 13978 - 1992 数字多用表通用技术条件
Genetic specification for digital multimeters
N23 GB/T 14913 - 1994 直流数字电压表及直流模数变换器
Digital electronic d.c.voltmeters and d.c.electronic analogue-to-digital convertors
N25 GB/T 3927 - 1983 直流电位差计
Direct-current potentiometers
N25 GB/T 3928 - 1983 直流电阻分压箱
D.C.resistive volt ratio boxes
N25 GB/T 3930 - 1983 测量电阻用直流电桥
D.C.bridge for measuring resistance
N25 GB/T 9090 - 1988 标准电容器
Standard capacitors
N25 GB/T 9093 - 1988 测量用稳定电源装置
Stabilized supply apparatus for measurement
N25 GB/T 11149 - 1989 标准电容箱
Standard capacitance boxes
N25 GB/T 11150 - 2001 电能表检验装置
Testing equipment for electrical energy meters
N25 GB/T 11151 - 1989 交流电桥
Alternating current bridge
N25 GB/T 13743 - 1992 直流磁电系检流计
D.C.magnetoelectric galvanometer
N25 GB/T 13992 - 1992 电阻应变计
Resistance strain gauge
N26 GB/T 5691 - 1985 数据处理用的模块化仪器系统CAMAC系统
A modular instrumentation system for data handling - CAMAC system
N26 GB/T 5692 - 1985 CAMAC术语的定义
Definitions of CAMAC terms
N26 GB/T 5693 - 1985 CAMAC多机箱系统结构分支信息公路和Al型CAM-AC机箱控制器规范
CAMAC organization of multi-crate systems specification of the branch-highway and CAMAC crate controller type Al
N26 GB/T5694 - 1985 CAMAC系统中的块传送
Block transfers in CAMAC systems
N27 GB/T 17860.1 - 1999电测量仪器X-t记录仪第l部分: 定义和要求
Electrical measuring instruments - X-t recorders - Part 1: Definitions and requirements
N27 GB/T 17860.2 - 1999电测量仪器X-t记录仪第2部分: 推荐的附加试验方法
Electrical measuring instruments - X-t recorders - Part 2: Recommended additional test methods
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