Анализатор состава и оборудование мониторинга окружающей средыСодержание:50 Анализатор состава и оборудование мониторинга окружающей среды - общее 51 Измерительные приборы для проведения анализа веществ 52 Хроматограф 53 Оптико-, электро, тепло-измерительный аппарат 54 Масс-спектр, спектрометр 55 Другие измерительные приборы для проведения анализа веществ 56 Приборы и установки для проведения анализа окружающей среды N50 GB/T 5274 - 1985 气体分析校准用混合气体的制备称量法 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures - Weighing method N50 GB/T 5275 - 1985 气体分析校准用混合气体的制备渗透法 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures - Permeation method N50 GB/T 10247 - 1988 粘度测试方法 Methods for measurement and test of the viscosity N50 GB/T 11605 - 1989 湿度测量方法 Methods of humidity measurement N50 GB/T 11606.1 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法总则 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - General N50 GB/T 11606.2 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法电源频率与电压试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Line frequency and voltage test N50 GB/T 11606.3 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法低温试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Coldtest N50 GB/T 1 1606.4 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法高温试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - High temperature test N50 GB/T 11606.5 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法温度变化试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Change of temperature test N50 GB/T 1 1606.6 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法恒定湿热试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Damp heat, steady state N50 GB/T 1 1606.7 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法交变湿热试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Damp heat, cyclic N50 GB/T 11606.8一1989分析仪器环境试验方法振动试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Vibration test N50 GB/T 1 1606.9 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法磁场试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Magnetic field test N50 GB/T 1 1606.10 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法气压试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Low air pressure test N50 GB/T 11606.1l一1989分析仪器环境试验方法砂尘试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Sand and dust content of the air test N50 GB/T 11606.12 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法长霉试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Mould growth test N50 GB/T 11606.13 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法盐雾试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Salt mist test N50 GB/T 11606.14 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法低温贮存试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Cold storage test N50 GB/T 11606.15 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法高温贮存试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - High temperature storage test N50 GB/T 11606.16 - 1989分析仪器环境试验方法跌落试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Fall down test NS0 GB/T 1 1606.17一1989分析仪器环境试验方法碰撞试验 The method of environmental test for analytical instruments - Pump test N50 GB/T 12519 - 1990 分析仪器通用技术条件 General specification of analytical instruments N50 GB/T 14070 - 1993 气体分析校准用混合气体的制备压力法 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures - Manometric method N53 GB/T 1 1007 - 1989 电导率仪试验方法 Test method of electric conductivity analyzers N53 GB/T 11165 - 1989 实验室pH计 Laboratory pH meter N53 GB/T 13971 - 1992 紫外线气体分析器技术条件 Specification of ultra-violet gas analyzers N53 GB/T 18403.1 - 2001气体分析器性能表示第1部分: 总则 Expression of performance of gas analyzers - Part l: General N54 GB/T 13979 - 1992 氦质谱检漏仪 Helium mass spectrometer leak detector N56 GB/T 18809 - 2002 空气离子测量仪通用规范 General specification for air ion measuring instruments |
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