Других инструменты и измерительные приборыСодержание:91 Геологический измерительный прибор 92 Морской измерительный прибор 93 Гидрологический и гидротехнический измерительные приборы 94 Астрономический измерительный прибор 95 Метеорологический измерительный прибор 96 Секундомер N92 GB/T 13972 - 1992 海洋水文观测仪器通用技术条件 General technical specifications for oceanographic hydrological instruments N93 GB/T 3408 - 1994 差动电阻式应变计 Unbonded elastic wire resistance type strain meter N93 GB/T 3409 - 1994 差动电阻式钢筋计 Unbonded elastic wire resistance type reinforced concrete meter N93 GB/T 3410 - 1994 差动电阻式测缝计 Unbonded elastic wire resistance type joint meter N93 GB/T 3411 - 1994 差动电阻式孔隙压力计 Unbonded elastic wire resistance type pore pressure cell N93 GB/T 3412 - 1994 电阻比电桥 Wheatstone briage for tmbonded elastic wire resistance meter N93 GB/T 3413 - 1994 埋人式铜电阻温度计 Embedded Cu resistance thermometer N93 GB/T 4934 - 1996 应变控制式直剪仪 Strain-controlled direct shear apparatus N93 GB/T 4935 - 1996 单杠杆固结仪 Singe lever arm oedometer N93 GB/T 9359 - 2001 水文仪器基本环境试验条件及方法 Basic conditions and methods of environmental test for hydrologic instruments N93 GB/T 9359.8 - 1988 水文仪器总技术条件 检验规则及标志、包装、运输、贮存 General specification for hydrologic instruments - Test regulation, mark, package, transportation and storage N93 GB/T 1 1826 - 2002 转子式流速仪 Rotating current meter N93 GB/T 11828.1 - 2002水位测量仪器第1都分:浮子式水位计 Instruments for stage measurement - Part l: Float-type stage gauge N93 GB/T 11831 - 2002 水文测报装置遥测雨量计 Equipments for hydrological measuring and reporting remote measuring rain gauge N93 GB/T 11832 - 2002 翻斗式雨量计 Tipping bucket raingauge N93 GB/T 12745 - 1991 静力触探仪 Static penetrometer N93 GB/T 12746 - 1991 标准贯入仪 Standard penetrometer N93 GB/T 13336 - 1991 水文仪器系列型谱 The series model of hydrometric instruments N93 GB/T 13606 - 1992 岩土工程用钢弦式压力传感器 Vibrating steel wire pressure transducer for geotechnical engineering N93 GB/T 15406 - 1994 土工仪器的基本参数及通用技术条件 Primary parameters and general technical specifications for geotechnical apparatus N93 GB/T 15966 - 1995 水文仪器基本参数及通用技术条件 Primary parameter and general specification for hydrologic instrument N93 GB/T 16594 - 1996 微米级鼍黜扫描皇镜测量方法 Micron length measurement by SEM N93 GB/T 18185 - 2000 水文仪器可靠性技术要求 Specification of reliability for hydrologic instrument N93 GB/T 18522.1 - 2003水文仪器通则第l部分: 总则 General specification for hydrometric instruments - Part 1: General rules N93 GB/T 18522.2 - 2002水文仪器通则第2部分: 参比工作条件 General specification for hydrometric instruments - Part 2: Referential operating condition N93 GB/T 18522.3 - 2001水文仪器通则第3部分: 基本性能及其表示方法 General specification for hydrologic instruments - Part 3: Basic performance and description method N93 GB/T 18522.4 - 2002水文仪器通则第4部分: 结构基本要求 General specification for hydrometric instruments - Part 4: Basic requirements of structure N93 GB/T 18522.5 - 2002水文仪器通则第5部分: 工作条件影响及试验方法 General specification for hydrometric instruments - Part 5: The operating condition’s influences and test method N93 GB 18523 - 2001 水文仪器安全要求 General specification for hydrologic instrument safety requirements N95 GB/T 8747 - 1988 气象用玻璃液体温度表 Meteorological liquid-in-glass thermometer N95 GB/T19565 - 2004 总辐射表 Pyranometer N96 GB/T 14256 - 1993 计时学术语第二部分: 商业技术用定义 Horological vocabulary - Part 2: Technico-commercial definitions |
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