Бизнес в Китае
Мини - заводы из Китая от компании MEGA POWER Hong Kong Croup Limited

Судоходство - общее

00 标准化、质量管理
01 技术管理
05 船舶用材料及其检验方法
06 船舶工艺
07 电子计算机应用
08 标志、包装、运输、贮存
09 卫生、安全、劳动保护

U01 GB/T 6300-1986 提交船舶产品完工文件的规定
Regulations for submission of the ship’s finished documents
U04 GB/T 3893-1998 造船及海上结构物甲板机械术语
Shipbuilding and maline structures - Deck machinery-Terminology
U04 GB/T 3894. 1-1983 船用布置图图形符号舱壁、门、窗及舱壁孔、舱口及舱口盖
Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships-Bulkheads. doors. windows and openings on wall, hatches and hatch covers
U04 GB/T 3894. 2-1983 船舶布置图图形符号舱室家具
Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships-Furniture’s in accommodation
U04 GB/T3894. 3-1983 船舶布置图图形符号生活卫生设备
Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships-Equipments in commissary space and sanitary space
U04 GB/T 3894. 4-1983 船舶布置图图形符号航行设备、灯具及修理间设备
Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships-Navigation, lights and workshop equipments
U04 GB/T3894. 5-1983 船舶布置图图形符号梯及舷墙
Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships-Stairs and bulwarks
U04 GB/T 3894. 6-1984 船舶布置图图形符号救生设备
Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships - Life-saving apparatus
U04 GB/T 3894. 7-1983 船舶布置图图形符号系泊设备
Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships - Mooring equipment
U04 GB/T 3894. 8-1985 船舶布置图图形符号 甲板机械
Figure symbols on the arrangement plans of ship deck machinery
U04 GB/T 3894. 9-1986 船舶布置图图形符号起货设备
Graphical symbols on the arrangement plan of ship-Cargo han4Ung gear
U04 GB/T 4273 - 2000 分节驳术语
Terminology of integrated barge
U04 GB/T 4299-1984 船舶通风系统图形符号
Symbols for ships ventilation system
U04 GB/T 4476. 1-1984 金属船体制图一般规定
Drawings for metal hull of ships-General provisions
U04 GB/T4476. 2-1984 金属船体制图图形符号
Drawings for metal hull of ships-Graphical symbols
U04 GB/T 4476. 3-1984 金属船体制图 图样画法及编号
Drawings for metal hull of ships-Presentation and
coding 0f drawings
U04 GB/T4476. 4-1984 金属船体制图尺寸注法
Drawings for metal hull of ships-Dimensioning
U04 GB/T 6383-1986 振动空蚀试验方法
The method of vibration cavitations erosion test
U04 GB/T 7094 - 2002 船用电气设备振动(正弦)试验方法
Vibration(sinusoidal)test method for electrical installations in ships
U04 GB/T 7386. 1-1987 船舶起居舱室的尺度协调尺度协调的原则
Co-ordination of dimensions in ships accommodation-Principles of dimensional co-ordination
U04 GB/T 7386. 2-1987 船舶起居舱室的尺度协调控制尺度及元件定位
Co-ordination of dimensions irI ships’ accommodation-Controlling dimensions and location of compo-nents
U04 GB/T 7386. 3-1987 船舶起居舱室的尺度协调元件和组件尺寸的选择及组装
Co-ordination of dimensions m ships’ accommodation-Selection of components and assemblies sizes and assembly
U04 GB/T 7386. 4-1987 船舶起居舱室的尺度协调主要家具设备的协调尺寸
Co-ordination of dimensions m ships’ accommodation - Coordinating sizes for key components
U04 GB/T 7391 - 2002 海洋调查船术语
Terminology of oceanographic research ships
U04 GB/T 7452. 1-1996 商船振动综合评价基准
Guidelines for the overall evaluation of vibration in merchant ships
U04 GB/T 7452. 2-1996 船长小于100m商船振动综合评价基准
Guidelines for the overall evaluation of vibration in merchant ships under loom
U04 GB/T 7453-1996 船体振动测量
Measurement 0f ship vibration
U04 GB/T 7727. 1-1987 船舶通用术语综合
General terminology for ships-Comprehension
U04 GB/T 7727. 2-1987 船舶通用术语总体设计
General terminology for ships-General design
U04 GB/T 7727. 3-1987 船舶通用术语性能
General terminology for ships-Ship hydrostatics and
U04 GB/T 7727. 4-1987 船舶通用术语船体结构、强度及振动
General terminology for ship’s structure. strength and vibration
U04 GB/T 7727. 6-1991 船舶通用术语船舶环境
General terminology for ships-Ship environment
U04 GB/T 8241-1987 船舶舱室设备术语
Terminology for ship accommodation equipment
U04 GB/T 8242. 1-1987 船体设备术语船用装置
Terminology for hull equipment - Marine gear
U04 GB/T 8242. 2-1987 船体设备术语系船设备
Terminology for hull equipment - Anchoring and mooring equipment
U04 GB/T 8242. 3-1987 船体设备术语舱面属具
Terminology for hull equipment - Deck equipment and fittings
U04 GB/T 8242. 4-1987 船体设备术语救生设备
Terminology for hull equipment-Life-saving appliances
U04 GB/T 8839-1988 水泥船术语
Terms 0f concrete ship
U04 GB/T8843 - 2002 工程船术语
Terminology 0fworking ship
U04 GB/T 11874-1989 船用门和窗开启方向和符号标志
Direction of opening and symbolic designation of marine doors and windows
U04 GB/T 12466-1990 船舶及海洋工程腐蚀与防护术语.
Terminology for corrosion and protection for ship and marine engineering
U04 GB/T 12900-1991 船舶通用术语船用材料
General terminology for ships-Shipbuilding material
U04 GB/T 12923-1991 船舶工艺术语修、造船设施
Terminology for ship technology - Repairing and ship-building facilities
U04 GB/T 12924-1991 船舶工艺术语船体建造工艺
Terminology for ship technology - Hull construction
U04 GB/T 12925-1991 船舶工艺术语安装工艺
Terminology for ship technology-Installation technology
U04 GB/T 12926-1991 船舶工艺术语船舶建造质量检验
Terminology for ship technology-Ship construction quality inspection
U04 GB/T 13146-1991 气垫船术语
Terminology for air cushion vehicle
U04 GB/T 13407-1992 潜水器与水下装置术语
Terminology for submersibles and underwater installations
U04 GB/T 13413-1992 船舶通用术语船舶系统
General terminology for ships-Ship system
U04 GB/T 14090. 1-1993海上油气开发工程术语综合
Terminology for offshore oil and gas development engineering - Comprehension
U04 GB/T 14090. 2-1993海上油气开发工程术语平台
Terminology for offshore on and gas development engineering - Platform
U04 GB/T 14090. 3-1993海上油气开发工程术语单点系泊装置和定位系统
Terminology for offshore oil and gas development engineering-Single point mooring unit and positioning system
U04 GB/T 14090. 4-1993海上油气开发工程术语海底管道
Terminology for offshore on and gas development engineering - Submarine pipeline
U04 GB/T 15094-1994 船舶工艺术语修船工艺
Terminology for ship technology - Ship repairing technology
U04 GB/T 15095-1994 游艇术语
Terminology for pleasure boat
U04 GB/T 16694-1996 造船通风系统图识别颜色
Ship building - Identification colours for schemes for venffiation systems
U04 GB/T 16695-1996 造船球鼻艏和侧推器符号
Ship building – Bulbous bow and side thruster symbols
U04 GB/T 16696-1996 小艇艇体标识代码
Small craft - Hull identification-Coding system
U04 GB/T 17383-1998 造船及海上结构物挖泥船分类
Shipbuilding and marine structures-Dredgers-Classification
U04 GB/T 17384-1998 造船及海上结构物窗和舷窗词汇
Shipbuilding and marine structures-Windows and side scuttles - Vocabulary
U04 GB/T 17385-1998 造船船舶主尺度计算机应用的术语及定义
Shipbuilding - Principal ship dimensions - Terminology and definitions for compeer application
U04 GB/T 17724-1999 造船管路系统信息传递
Shipbuilding-Piperwork – Information transfer
U04 GB/T 17843-1999 造船及海上结构物挖泥船术语
Shipbuilding and marine structures-Dredgers-Terminology
U05 GB/T 552-1996 铸造锚链钢
Anchor chain casthing steel
U05 GB/T 3108-1999 船体外加电流阴极保护系统
Impressed current cathodic protection system for ship hull
U05 GB/T 4948-2002 铝. 锌-铟系合金牺牲阳极
Sacrificial anode of A1-Zn-In series alloy
U05 GB/T 4950-2002 锌一铝-镉合金牺牲阳极
Sacrificial anode of Zn-A1-Cd alloy
U05 GB/T 5482-1993 金属材料动态撕裂试验方法
Metallic materials-Dynamic tear testing method
U05 GB/T 6384-1986 船舶及海洋工程用金属材料在天然环境中的海水腐蚀试验方法
The testing methods for seawater corrosion in natural environment of metallic materials for ship and offshore structures
U05 GB/T 7387-1999 船用参比电极技术条件
Technical requirements for marine reference electrode
U05 GB/T 7388-1999 船用辅助阳极技术条件
Technical requirements for marine auxiliary anode
U05 GB/T 7788-1987 船舶及海洋工程阳极屏涂料通用技术条件
General specification for anodic shield coating of ship and ocean engineering
U05 GB/T 7789 - 1987 船舶防污漆防污性能动态试验方法
Dynamic test method for performance of marine antifouling coatings
U05 GB/T 7790 - 1996 防锈漆耐阴极剥离性试验方法
Test method for the resistance of cathodic disbondment of anticorrosive paint
U05 GB/T 7791 - 1987 自抛光防污漆降阻性能试验方法圆盘转矩法
Test method for performance of reduces frictional resistance of serf-polishing antifouling coatings - Method of round dish rotor moments
U05 GB/T 10671 - 1989 固体材料产烟的比光密度试验方法
Test method for specific optical density of smoke generated by solid materials
U05 GB/T 10834 - 1989 船舶漆耐盐水性的测定盐水和热盐水浸泡法
Ship coatings - Determination of resistance to salt water - Salt water and hot salt water immersion method
U05 GB/T 13147 - 1991 铜与铜合金复合钢板焊接技术条件
The specification for welding of copper and copper alloy clad steel plate
U05 GB/T 13148 - 1991 不锈钢复合钢板焊接技术条件
Specification for welding of stainless steel clad steel plate
U05 GB/T 13149 - 1991 钛及钛合金复合钢板焊接技术条件
Specification for welding of titanium and titanium alloy clad steel plate
U05 GB/T 13671 - 1992 不锈钢缝隙腐蚀电化学试验方法
Stainless steels - Method of electrochemical test for crevice corrosion
U05 GB/T 14528 - 1993 船舶涂料修补性能测定法
Determination of repairability for ship coatings
U05 GB/T 14616 - 1993 机舱舱底涂料通用技术条件
General specification for engine-room bottom coating
U05 GB/T 15748 - 1995 船用金属材料电偶腐蚀试验方法
The method of galvanic corrosion test for metallic ship materials
U05 GB/T 16168 - 1996 海洋结构物大气段用涂料加速试验方法
Accelerated test methods for atmospheric surface coating systems for offshore structures
U05 GB/T 17435 - 1998 船用电解海水防污装置设计和安装
Design and installation of electrolysis of seawater anti-fouling system for ship
U05 GB/T 17556 - 1998 船用电力和通信电缆护套材料
Sheathing materials for shipboard power and telecommunication cables
U05 GB/T 17557 - 1998 船用电力电缆绝缘材料
Insulating materials for shipboard power cables
U05 GB/T 17848 - 1999 牺牲阳极电化学性能试验方法
Test methods for electrochemical properties of acrificial anodes
U06 GB/T 13288-1991 涂装前钢材表面粗糙度等级的评定(比较样块法)
The assessment of profile grades of steel surface before application of paint and related products-Comparator
U07 GB/T 17725-1999 造船船体型线船体几何元素的数字表示
Shipbuilding - Shipline-Numerical representation of elements of the hull geometry numerical
U07 GB/T 17842-1999 造船及海上结构物计算机应用符号
Shipbuilding and me structures-Symbols for computer applications
U09 GB/T 4949-1985 铝-锌一铟系合金牺牲阳极化学分析方法
Sacrificial anode of Al-Zn-In system alloy-Chemical analysis
U09 GB/T 4951-1985 锌.铝-镉合金牺牲阳极化学分析方法
Sacrificial anode of Zn-A1-Cd alloy - Chemical analysis
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