Бизнес в Китае
Мини - заводы из Китая от компании MEGA POWER Hong Kong Croup Limited

Особое судовое оборудование

30 船舶专用装备综合
31 海洋交通运输船专用设备
32 内河交通运输船专用设备
33 渔船专用装备
34 工程船、调查船专用装备
35 海洋平台专用装备
37 小型船专用装备

U37 GB/T 11686-2002 小艇厕所废水集存系统
Small craft-Toilet waste retention systems
U37 GB/T 11699 - 2003 舷内机小艇锥度为l: 10的螺旋桨轴端和桨毂
Small craft with inboard engine-Propeller shaft ends and bosses with l: 10 taper
U37 GB/T 11700 - 2003 小艇船用推进发动机和推进装置 功率的测定和标定
Small craft - Marine propulsion engines and sys-terns-Power measurements and declarations
U37 GB/T 11702-1989 小艇污水接头
Small craft-Waste water fittings
U37 GB/T 14652. 1 - 2001小艇耐火燃油软管
Small craft-Fire-resistant fuel hoses
U37 GB/T 14652. 2 - 2001小艇非耐火燃油软管
Small craft-Non-fire-resistant fuel hoses
U37 GB/T 17726-1999 小艇 电气装置防止点燃周围可燃性气体的保护
Small craft-Electrical devices-Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable gases
U37 GB/T 17844-1999 小艇遥控操舵系统
Small craft-Remote steering systems
U37 GB/T 17845-1999 小艇功率15-40kW舷外挂单机遥控操舵系统
Small craft-Remote steering systems for single out-board motors of 15 t0 40kW power
U37 GB/T 17846-1999 小艇电动舱底泵
Small craft-Electrically operated b地e-pumps
U37 GB/T 17847-1999 小艇电动风机
Small craft-Electrical fans
U37 GB/T 18571 - 2001 小艇舷外机便携式燃油系统
Small craft - Portable fuel systems for outboard motors
U37 GB/T 18572 - 2001 小艇舷外机的静推力测定
Small craft-Static thrust measurement for outboard motors
U37 GB/T 18573 - 2001 小艇 电气装置避雷保护
Small craft-Electrical devices-Lightning protection
U37 GB/T 18814 - 2002 小艇电气系统交流装置
Small craft-Electrical systems-Alternating current installations
U37 GB/T 18815 - 2002 机动小艇操舵部位的视野
Small craft engine-driven-Field of vision from helm position
U37 GB/T 18821 - 2002 小艇液化石油气(LPG)系统
Small craft-Liquefied petroleum gas(LPG)systems
U37 GB/T 18822-2002 艇体长度小于8m的小艇最大推进额定功率的确定
Small craftlessthan8mlength of hull-Determination of maximum propulsion power rating
U37 GB/T 19309 - 2003 舷内机小艇锥度为l: 16的螺旋桨轴端和桨毂
Small craft with inboard engine-Propeller shaft ends and bosses with l: 16 taper
U37 GB/T 19310 - 2003 小艇永久性安装的燃油系统和固定式燃油柜
Small craft-Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks
U37 GB/T 19311 - 2003 小艇电气系统超低压直流装置
Small craft-Electrical systems-Extra-low-voltage d. c. installations
U37 GB/T 19312 - 2003 小艇汽油机和/或汽油柜舱室的通风
Small craft-Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petrol tank compartments
U37 GB/T 19313 - 2003 小艇起动运行保护
Small craft-Start-in-gear protection
U37 GB/T 19314. 1 - 2003小艇艇体结构和构件尺寸第l部分: 材料: 热固性树脂、玻璃纤维增强塑料、基准层合板
Small craft-Hull construction and scantlings-Part 1: Materials: Thermosetting resins, glass-fibre rein-forcement, reference laminate
U37 GB/T 19315 - 2003 小艇最大装载量
Small craft-Maximum load capacity
U37 GB/T 19316 - 2003 小艇小型舷内机喷水艇的遥控操舵系统
Small craft-Remote steering systems for inboard minijet
U37 GB/T 19317. 1 - 2003小艇通海旋塞及贯穿艇体的附件 第l部分: 金属件
Small craft-Seacocks and through-hull fittings-Part 1: Metallic
U37 GB/T 19318 - 2003 小艇液压操舵系统
Small craft-Hydraulic steering systems
U37 GB/T 19319 - 2003 小艇防止人员落水和重新登艇
Small craft-Man-overboard prevention and recovery
U37 GB/T 19320 - 2003 小艇汽油发动机逆火火焰控制
Small craft-Backfire flame control for petrol engines
U37 GB/T 19321 - 2003 小艇操舵装置齿轮传动连接系统
Small craft-Steering gear-Geared link systems
U37 GB/T 19322 - 2003 小艇机动游艇空气噪声的测定
Small craft-Measurement of airborne sound emitted by powered recreational craft
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Стандарты Китая
Cельское хозяйство
Горное оборудование
Интсрументы и приборы
Дороги и вода
Железная дорога
Дорожный транспорт