Медицина, здравоохранение, охрана труда - общееСодержание:00 standardization, quality management 01 technology management 02 economic management 04 based on common standards and methods 05 medical 06 medical examiner 07 electronic computer applications 08 logo, packaging, transportation, storage C04 GB 12346 - 1990 经穴部位 Location of points C05 GB/T 13734 - 1992 耳穴名称与部位 The nomenclature and location of auricular points C05 GB/T 15721. 1 - 1995假肢与矫形器肢体缺失第1部分: 先天性肢体缺失状况的描述方法 Prosthetics and. orthotics - Limb deficiencies - Part l Method Of describing limb deficiencies present at birth C05 GB/T 15721. 2 - 1995假肢与矫形器肢体缺失第2部分: 下肢截肢残肢的描述方法 Prosthetics and orthotics - Limb deficiencies - Part 2: Method of describing lower limb amputation stumps C05 GB/T 15721. 3 - 1995假肢与矫形器肢体缺失第3部分: 上肢截肢残肢的描述方法 Prosthetics and orthotics - Limb deficiencies - Part 3: Method of describing upper limb amputation stumps C5 GB/T 15722 - 1995 残疾人坐地排球运动员参赛资格的医学标准 Competitive medical standard of volleyball sitting for disabled athletes C05 GB 16408. 1 - 1996 民用航空飞行人员体格检查鉴定标准 Appraisal standard of physical examination for civil aviation aircrew C05 GB 16408. 2 - 1996 民用航空空中交通管制员体格检查鉴定标准 Appraisal standard of physical examination for civil aviation air traffic controllers C05 GB 16408. 3 - 1996 民用航空招收飞行学生体格检查鉴定标准 Appraisal standard of physical examination for recruitment of civil aviation airman trainees C05 GB/T 16408. 4 - 1996民用航空空中乘务员体格检查鉴定标准 Appraisal standard of physical examination for civil aviation flight attendants C05 GB/T 16433 - 1996 残疾人田径运动员医学和功能分级标准 Medical and functional classificational standard of athletics for disabled athletes C05 GB/T 16751. 1 - 1997中医临床诊疗术语疾病部分 Clinic terminology of traditional Chinese medical diagnosis and treatment - Diseases C05 GB/T 16751. 2 - 1997中医临床诊疗术语症候部分 Clinic terminology of traditional Chinese medical diagnosis and treatment - Syndromes C05 GB/T 16751. 3 - 1997中医临床诊疗术语治法部分 Clinic terminology of traditional Chinese medical diagnosis and treatment - Therapeutic methods C05 GB/T 17256 - 1998 残疾人自行车和射箭运动员医学和功能分级 Medical and functional classification Of cycling and archery for disabled athletes C05 GB/T 19546 - 2004 残疾人站式排球运动员医学和功能分级 Medical and functional classificational of standing volleyball for disabled athletes C8 GB 2637一1995 安瓿 Ampoule C08 GB 2639 - 1990 玻璃输液瓶 Glass infusion bottles C08 GB 2640一1990 模制抗生素玻璃瓶 Injection vials for antibiotics C08 GB 2641 - 1990 管制抗生素玻璃瓶 Tube vial for antibiotic use C08 GB 5197. 1 - 1996 玻璃输液瓶盖第1部分: 铝盖 Caps for infusion glass bottles - Part 1: aluminium caps C8 GB 5197. 2一1996 玻璃输液瓶盖第2部分: 铝塑组合盖 Caps for infusion甜ass bottles - Part 2: Caps made of aluminium - plastics combinations C08 GB 5198. 1一1996 抗生素玻璃瓶盖第l部分: 铝盖 Caps for injection glass vials of antibiotics - Part l: aluminium caps C8 GB 5198. 2 - 1996 抗生素玻璃瓶盖第2部分: 铝塑组合盖 Caps for Injection glass vials of antibiotics - Part 2: Caps made of aluminium - plastics combinations C08 GB 5663 - 1985 药用聚氯乙烯(PVC)硬片 Polyvinyl chloride(PVC)sheet for packing solid medicine C08 GB 12255 - 1990 药品包装用铝箔 Aluminium foils packaging for medicine C08 GB/T 12414 - 1995 药用玻璃管 Pharmaceutical glass tube C08 G吕/T 22415一1990 药用玻璃容器内应力检验方法 Pharmaceutical glass containers - Stress examination - Test methods C08 GB/T 12416. 1 - 1990药用玻璃容器的耐水性试验方法和分级 Pharmaceutical glass containers - Hydrolytic resistance - Test method and classification C08 GB/T 12416. 2 - 1990玻璃颗粒在121℃耐水性的试验方法和分级 Glass - Hydrolytic resistance of glass grains at 121℃一Test method and classification C08 GB 13731 - 1992 药用明胶硬胶囊 Hard gelatin capsule for medicine |
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