МедицинаСодержание:10 Medical - general 11 Chinese Pharmacopoeia drugs standards 12 Antibiotic Drugs 13 sulfonamides, tuberculosis and other anti-infective 14 antipyretic analgesic, and the central nervous system of narcotic drugs 15 hormones, family planning, anticancer drugs and immunosuppressive drugs 16 anti-parasitic and anti-histamine, endemic drug and antidote 17 cardiovascular, respiratory and blood system drugs 18 digestive, urinary system and regulate acid-base balance medication 19 of medication, and Wu Guanke Disinfector medicine, dermatology 20 vitamins, nourishing nutrients, amino acids, enzymes and drugs 21 agents used with other accessories 23 Chinese herbal medicines 25 Traditional Chinese Medicine 27 biological products and blood products C10 GB/T 16292 - 1996 医药工业洁净室(区)悬浮粒子的测试方法 Test method for airborne particles in clean room (area)of the pharmaceutical industry C10 GB/T 16293一1996 医药工业洁净室(区)浮游菌的测试方法 Test method for airborne microbe in clean room (area)of the pharmaceutical industry C10 GB/T 16294 - 1996 医药工业洁净室(区)沉降菌的测试方法 Test method for settling microbe in clean room (area)of the pharmaceutical industry C23 GB 6264一1986 中药材袋运输包装件 Chinese herbal medicine bag package for transport C23 GB 6265 - 1986 中药材压缩打包运输包装件 Chinese herbal medicine compressed package for transport C23 GB 6266 - 1986 中药材瓦楞纸箱运输包装件 Chinese herbal medicine corrugated carton package for transport C23 GB/T 15517. 1 - 1995模压红参分等质量标准 The grade quality standards of mould pressing steamed red ginseng C23 GB/T 15517. 2 - 1995红参分等质量标准 The grade quality standards of steamed red ginseng C23 GB/T 15517. 3 - 1995全须生晒参分等质量标准 The gradequality standards of dried raw ginseng of all tassels C23 GB/T 15517. 4 - 1995生晒参分等质量标准 The grade quality standards of dried raw ginseng C23 GB/T 15517. 5 - 1995保鲜参分等质量标准 The gradequality standards of preserved fresh ginseng C23 GB/T 15517. 6 - 1995活性参分等质量标准 The grade quality standards of activated ginseng C23 GB/T 17356. 1 - 1998西洋参加工产品分等质量标准 Grade and quality standards of products of processed American ginseng C23 GB/T 17356. 2 - 1998冻干西洋参(活性西洋参)分等质量标准 Grade and quality standards of frozen dry American ginseng(active American ginseng) C23 GB/T 17356. 3 - 1998西洋参片分等质量标准 Grade and quality standards of American ginseng chips C23 GB/T 17356. 4 - 1998西洋参口嚼片分等质量标准 Grade and quality standards of American ginseng chewing chips C23 GB/T 17356. 5 - 1998西洋参袋泡茶分等质量标准 Grade and quality standards of American ginseng tea C23 GB/T 19618 - 2004 甘草 The licorice |
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