Охрана и управление трудаСодержание:75 integrated management of labor protection 76 working hours, leave and workers, the protection of minors 77 health and safety skills assessment 78 Health and Safety Management C75 GB/T 3608 - 1993 高处作业分级 Classification of works at heights C75 GB 3869 - 1997 体力劳动强度分级 Classification on intensity of physical work C75 GB/T 6441 - 1986 企业职工伤亡事故分类 The classification for casualty accidents of enterprise staff and workers C75 GB/T 6721 - 1986 企业职工伤亡事故经济损失统计标准 Statistical standard of economic lasses from injury - fatal accidents of enterprise staff and workers C75 GB/T 15499 - 1995 事故伤害损失工作日标准 The lost workdays standard for injury accidents C75 GB 18667 - 2002 道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定 Assessment for body impairment of the injured in road traffic accident C76 GB/T 12330 - 1990 体力搬运重量限值 The limit on carrying – load for physical work C76 GB/T 14002 - 1992 劳动定额术语 Terminology of work quota C376 GB/T 14163 - 1993 工时消耗分类、代号和标准时间构成 Classification of working - hours consumption, symbols and composition of standard time C78 GB 6389 - 1997 - V业企业铁路道口安全标准 Safety standards for railway level crossing in industrial enterprises C78 GB/T 8196 - 2003 机械安全防护装置 固定式和活动式防护装置设计与制造一般要求 Safety of machinery - Guards - General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards C78 GB/T 12138 - 1989 袋式除尘器性能测试方法 Measuring method for performance of bag filter C78 GB 13591 - 1992 溶解乙炔充装规定 Rules for the fining of dissolved acetylene C78 GB/T 16906 - 1997 石油罐导静电涂料电阻率测定法 Standard test methods for electrical resistivity of antistatic coating in petroleum tanks |
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