Бизнес в Китае
Мини - заводы из Китая от компании MEGA POWER Hong Kong Croup Limited

Горная промышленность - общее

00 standardization, quality management
01 technology management
02 economic management
04 basis standards and common methods
07 computer applications
08 logo, packaging, transportation, storage
09 health, safety, labor protection
D04 GB/T 958 - 1989 区域地质图图例
Geological symbols used for regional geological maps (1: 50000)
D04 GB/T 2007. 1 - 1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则手工取样方法
General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk - sampling by manual method
D04 GB/T 2007. 2 - 1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则手工制样方法
General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk - Sample preparation by manual method
D04 GB/T 2007. 3 - 1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则评定品质波动试验方法
General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk – Experimental method for evaluation of quality variation
D04 GB/T 2007. 4 - 1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则精密度校核试验方法
General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk - Experimental methods for checking the precision
D04 GB/T 2007. 5 - 1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则 取样系统误差校核试验方法
General rules for the sampling and sample preparation Of minerals in bulk - Experimental method for checking the bias of sampling
D04 GB/T 2007. 6 - 1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则水分测定方法热干燥法
General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk - Determination of moisture con - tent - Heat drying method
D04 GB/T 2007. 7 - 1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则 粒度测定方法 手工筛分法
General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of mineral sin bulk – The method for determination of size by manual sieving
D04 GB/T 13073 - 1991 岩石样品中翻Ra的分析方法射气法
Method for measuring radium - 226 in rock samples - Emanation technique
D04 GB/T 14496 - 1993 地球化学勘查术语
Terms of geochemical exploration
D04 GB/T 14498 - 1993 工程地质术语
Engineering geological terminology
D04 GB/T 14839 - 1993 地球化学勘查技术符号
Technical symbols for geochemical exploration
D04 GB/T 15663. 1 - 1995煤矿科技术语煤田地质与勘探
Terms relating to coal mining - Coal geology and prospecting
D04 GB/T15663. 2 - 1995煤矿科技术语井巷工程
Terms relating to coal mining - Shafting and drifting engineering
DO4 GB/T15663. 3 - 1995煤矿科技术语地下开采
Terms relating to coal mining - Underground mining
D04 GB/T 15663. 4 - 1995煤矿科技术语露天开采 . 。
Terms relating to coal mining - Surface mining
D04 GB/T 15663. 5 - 1995煤矿科技术语提升运输
Terms relating to coalmining - Hoisting and transport
D04 GB/T 15663. 6 - 1995煤矿科技术语矿山测量
Terms relating to coal mining - Mining surveying
D04 GB/T 15663. 7 - 1995煤矿科技术语开采沉陷
Terms relating to coal mining一Mining subsidence
D04 GB/T 15663. 8 - 1995煤矿科技术语煤矿安全
Terms relating to coal mining - Mine safety
D04 GB/T 15663. 9 - 1995煤矿科技术语爆炸材料和爆破技术
Terms relating to coal mining一Explosive material and blasting technique
D04 GB/T15663. 10一1995煤矿科技术语采掘机械
Terms relating to coal mining一Coal winning machinery and development machinery
D04 GB/T 15663. 1l一1995煤矿科技术语矿山电气工程
Terms relating to coal mining - tuning electrical engineering
D04 GB/T 17607 - 1998 中国煤层煤分类
Chinese classification of seam coals
D04 GB/T 18024. 1 - 2000煤矿机械技术文件用图形符号总则
Graphical symbols for use in technical documentation of coal mine machinery - General principles
D04 GB/T 18024. 2 - 2000煤矿机械技术文件用图形符号采煤工作面支护机械图形符号
Graphical symbols for use in technical documentation of coal mine machinery - Graphical symbols for coal face support machinery
D04 GB/T 18024. 3 - 2000煤矿机械技术文件用图形符号采掘机械图形符号
Graphical symbols for use in technical documentation of coal mine machinery - Graphical symbols for machinery of coal and road heading
D04 GB/T 18024. 4 - 2000煤矿机械技术文件用图形符号 井下运输机械图形符号
Graphical symbols for use in technical documentation of coal mine machinery - Graphical symbols for underground haulage machinery
D04 GB/T 18024. 5 - 2000煤矿机械技术文件用图形符号 提升和地面生产机械图形符号
Graphical symbols for use in technical documentation of coal mine machinery - Graphical symbols for machinery of ground production and hoisting
D04 GB/T 18024. 6 - 2000煤矿机械技术文件用图形符号露天矿机械图形符号
Graphical symbols for use in technical documentation Of coal mine machinery - Graphical symbols for surface mine machinery
D04 GB/T 18340. 1 - 2001地质样品有机地化测试轻质原油气相色谱分析方法
Organic geochemical measurements of geological Samples - Method for the analysis of light mass crude 0ils by gas chromatography
D04 GB/T 18340. 2 - 2001地质样品有机地化测试有机质稳定碳同位累组厩分析方法
Organic geochemical measurements of geological Organic geochemical Samples - Method for the analysis of the organic matters for stable carbon isotopic composition
D04 GB/T 18340. 3 - 2001地质样品有机地化测试重馏份石油饱和烃族组成质谱分析方法
Organic geochemical measurements of geological Samples - Method for hydrocarbon types analysis of Gas - oil saturates fractions by mass spectrometry
D04 GB/T 18340. 4 - 2001地质样品有机地化测试重馏份石油芳香烃族组成质谱分析方法
0rganic geochemical measurements of geological samples - - Method for aromatic types analysis of gas oils aromatic fractions by mass Spectrometry
D04 GB/T 18340. 5 - 2001地质样品有机地化测试 岩石可溶有机物和原油中饱和烃气相色谱分析方法
Organic geochemical measurements of geological samples - Method for the analysis of saturated hydro - carbons of soluble organic matter in rocks and the crude oils by gas chromatography
D04 GB/T 18340. 6 - 2001地质样品有机地化测试汽油族组成质谱分析方法
Organic geochemical measurements of geological samples - Method for hydrocarbon types analysis of gasoline by mass spectrometry
D09 GB/T 16425 - 1996 粉尘云爆炸下限浓度测定方法 .
Determination for minimum explosive concentration of dust cloud
D09 GB/T 16426 - 1996 粉尘云最大爆炸压力和最大压力上升速率测定方法
Determination for maximum explosion pressure aria maximum rate of pressure rise of dust cloud
D09 GB/T 16427 - 1996 粉尘层电阻率测定方法
Determination for electrical resistivity of dust in layer
D00 GB/T 16428 - 1996 粉尘云最小着火能量测定方法
Determination of the minimum ignition energy of dust cloud
D09 GB/T 16429 - 1996 粉尘云最低着火温度测定方法
Determination of the minimum ignition temperature of dust cloud
I)09 GB/T 16430 - 1996 粉尘层最低着火温度测定方法
Determination of the minimum ignition temperature or dust layer
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