Бизнес в Китае
Мини - заводы из Китая от компании MEGA POWER Hong Kong Croup Limited

Оборудование для разведки, разработки, сбора и транспортировки нефти

90 oil exploration, development, gathering and transportation equipment - general
91 oil geophysical exploration equipment and apparatus
92 oil drilling equipment and apparatus
94 offshore oil equipment
97 oil, gas-processing equipment
98 oil, gas gathering and transportation equipment

E90 GB/T 8423 - 1997 石油钻采设备及专用管材词汇
Glossary of oil field drilling and production equipment and oil country tubular goods terminology
E92 GB/T 4749 - 2003 石油钻具接头螺纹量规
Petroleum equipment - Thread gages for rotary shouldered connections
E92 GB/T 9253. 1 - 1999 石油钻杆接头螺纹
Threads on rotary shouldered connections for petroleum industry
E92 GB/T 9253. 2 - 1999 石油天然气工业套管、油管和管线管螺纹的加工、测量和检验
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Threading, gauging, and thread inspection of casing, tubing and line pipe threads
E92 GB/T9253. 8 - 1995石油钻杆螺纹
Drill pipe threads
E92 GB / 9253. 9 - 1995 石油钻杆螺纹量规
Drill pipe thread gauges
E92 GB/T 16750. 1 - 1997潜油电泵机组型式、基本参数和连接尺寸
The types. general parameters and conjunction sizes of electrical submersible pumping equipment
E92 GB/T 16750. 2 - 1997潜油电泵机组技术条件
Electrical submersible pump - Technical specifications
E92 GB/T 16750. 3 - 1997潜油电泵机组试验方法
The test method for electrical submersible pump units
E92 GB/T 17386 - 1998 潜油电泵装置的规格及选用
Recommended practice for sizing and selection of electric submersible pump installations
E92 GB/T 17387 - 1998 潜油电泵装置的操作、维护和故障检查
Recommended practice for the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of electric submersible pump installations
E92 GB/T 17388 - 1998 潜油电泵装置的安装
Recommended, practice for electric submersible pump installations
E92 GB/T 17389 - 1998 潜油电泵电缆系统的应用
Recommended practice for application of ESP submersible cable systems
E92 GB/T 17390 - 1998 潜油电泵拆卸报告的编写
Recommended practice for electrical submersible pump teardown report
E92 GB/T 17744 - 1999 钻井设备规范
Specification for drilling equipment
E92 GB/T 17745 - 1999 石油天然气工业套管和油管的维护及使用
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Care and use of casing and tubing
E92 GB/T18060 - 2000 潜油电泵电缆试验方法
Tests of electric submersible pump cable systems
E92 GB/T 18051 - 2000 潜油电泵振动试验方法
Tests of electric submersible pump system vibration
E92 GB/T 18052 - 2000 套管、油管和管线管螺纹的测量和检验方法
Gauging and inspection of casing。tubing and line pipe threads
E92 GB/T 18607 - 2001 抽油泵及其组件规范
Specification for subsurface sucker rod pumps and fittings
E92 GB/T 19190 - 2003 石油天然气工业钻井和采油提升设备
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and production equipment - Hoisting equipment
E98 GB/T 9711. 1 - 1997 石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件第l部分: A级钢管
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Steel pipe for pipelines - Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: Pipes of requirements class A
E98 GB/T 9711. 2 - 1999 石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件第2部分: B级钢管
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Steel pipe for pipelines - Technical delivery conditions - Part 2: Pipes of requirement class B
E98 GB/T 15181 - 1994 球形金属罐容积标定法(围尺法)
Capacity calibration of spherical metal tanks - Strop - ping method
E98 GB/T 17286. 1 - 1998液态烃动态测量体积计量流量计检定系统第l部分: 一般原则
Liquid hydrocarbons - Dynamic measurement - Pro - ving systems for volumetric meters - Part 1: General principles
E98 GB/T 17286. 2 - 1998液态烃动态测量体积计量流量计检定系统第2部分: 体积管
Liquid hydrocarbons - Dynamic measurement - Pro - ring systems for volumetric metem - Part 2: Pipe provers
E98 GB/T 17286. 3 - 1998液态烃动态测量体积计量流量计检定系统第3部分: 脉冲插入技术’
Liquid hydrocarbons - Dynamic measurement - Proving systems for volumetric meters - Part 3: Pulse interpolation techniques
E98 GB/T 17287 - 1998 液态烃动态测量体积计量系统的统计控制
Liquid hydrocarbons - Dynamic measurement - Statistical control of volumetric metering systems
E98 GB/T 17288 - 1998 液态烃体积测量容积式流量计计量系统
Liquid hydrocarbons - Volumetric measurement by displacement meter systems other than dispensing pumps
E98 GB/T 17289 - 1998 液态烃体积测量涡轮流量计计量系统
Liquid hydrocarbons - Volumetric measurement by turbine meter system
E98 GB/T 17290 - 1998 石油测量系统检定标准量器的温度修正
Petroleum measurement systems - Calibration - Temperature corrections for use with volumetric reference measuring systems
E98 GB/T 17291 - 1998 石油液体和气体计量的标准参比条件
Petroleum liquid and gas measurement - Standard reference conditions
E98 GB/T 17746 - 1999 石油液体和气体动态测量电和(或)电子脉冲数据电缆传输的保真度和可靠度
Petroleum liquids and gases - Fidelity and security of dynamic measurement - Cabled transmission of electric and/or electronic pulsed data
E98 GB/T 18273 - 2000 石油和液体石油产品 立式罐内油量的直接静态测量法(HTG质量测量法)
Petroleum and liquid petroleum products - Direct static measurements - Contents of vertical storage tanks - Mass measurement by hydrostatic tank gauging
E98 GB/T 18603 - 2001 天然气计量系统技术要求
Technical requirements of measuring systems for natural gas
E98 GB/T 18604 - 2001 用气体超声流量计测量天然气流量
Measurement of natural gas flow by ultrasonic flow meter
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