Энергетика, ядерные технологии - общееСодержание:00 standardization, quality management 01 technology management 02 economic management 04 based on common standards and methods 07 electronic computer applications 08 logo, packaging, transportation, storage 09 health, safety, labor protection F01 GB/T2589 - 1990 综合能耗计算通则 General principles for calculation of total production energy consumption F01 GB/T 16509 - 1996辐射加工剂量测量不确定度评估导则 Standard guide for estimating uncertainties in dosimetry for radiation processing F01 GB/T 16510 - 1996辐射加工剂量学校准实验室的能力要求 The requirements for the competence of a radiation processing dosimetry calibration laboratory F01 GB/T 2687 - 198l 热设备能量平衡通则 Energy equilibrium of heating devices - Common rules F01 GB/T2588 - 2000 设备热效率计算通则 The general principles for calculation of thermal efficiency of equipment F01 GB/T 3484 - 1993 企业能量平衡通则 The general principles for energy balance of industrial enterprise F01 GB/T 3485 - 1998 评价企业合理用电技术导则 Technical guides for evaluating the rationality of electricity usage in industrial enterprise F01 GB/T 3486 - 1993 评价企业合理用热技术导则 Technical guides for evaluating the rationality of heat usage in industrial enterprise F01 GB/T 3794 - 1983 企业能量平衡技术考核验收标准 Standard for assessment of technical proficiency and acceptance for energy balance of industrial enterprise F01 GB/T 4272 - 1992 设备及管道保温技术通则 General principles for thermal insulation technique of equipments and pipes F01 GB/T 5623 - 1985 产品电耗定额制定和管理导则 Guides for the stipulation and administration of electricity consumption norm of product F01 GB/T 6421 - 1986 企业能流图绘制方法 Methods for drawing energy flow diagram of industrial enterprise F01 GB/T 6423 - 1995 热电联产系统技术条件 General requirements of heat and power cogenerating systems F01 GB/T 6424 - 1997 平板型太阳集热器技术条件 Specification for fiat plate solar collectors F01 GB/T 7119 - 1993 评价企业合理用水技术通则 General, principles for evaluating the rational utilization of water in enterprises F01 GB/T 8222 - 1987 企业设备电能平衡通则 The general principles for electricity balance of equipment of industrial enterprise F01 GB 12021•2 - 2003 家用电冰箱耗电量限定值及能源效率等级 The maximum allowable values of the energy consumption and energy efficiency grades for household refrigerators F01 GB12021.3 - 2004 房问空气调节器能效限定值及能源效率等级 The minimum allowable values of the energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for room air conditioners F0l GB12021.4 - 2004 电动洗衣机能耗限定值及能源效率等级 The maximum allowable values of the energy consumption and energy efficiency grade for household electric washing machines F01 GB/T 12712 - 1991 蒸汽供热系统凝结水回收及蒸汽疏水阀技术管理要求 The requirements for supervision of recovery of condensate from steam heating system and technique of automatic steam traps F01 GB/T 13608 - 1992 合理润滑技术通则 General principle for rational lubrication technology F01 GB/T 14909 - 1994 能量利用中的烟分析方法技术导则 Technical guides for energy analysis F01 GB/T 15316 - 1994 节能监测技术通则 General principles for monitoring and testing of energy conservation F01 GB/T 15317 - 1994 工业锅炉节能监测方法 Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of industrial boilers F01 GB/T15318 - 1994 工业热处理电炉节能监测方法 Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of electroheat furnace m industrial heat treating F01 GB/T 15319 - 1994 火焰加热炉节能监测方法 Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of flame heating furnace F01 GB/T15320 - 2001 节能产品评价导则 Evaluation guides of the energy conservation products F01 GB/T 15321 - 1994 电厂粉煤灰渣排放与综合利用技术通则 General principle for discharge and utilization tech - logy of ash and slag in power station F01 GB/T 15587 - 1995 工业企业能源管理导则 Guides for energy management industrial enterprise F01 GB/T 15910 - 1995 热力输送系统节能监测方法 Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of heat transmission and distribution system F01 GB/T 15911 - 1995 工业电热设备节能监测方法 Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of electroheat device in industry F01 GB/T 15912 - 1995 活塞式单级制冷机组及其供冷系统节能监测方法 Monitoring and testing method for energy Saving of single - stage reciprocating refrigerating unit and its refrigeration system F01 GB/T 15913 - 1995 风机机组与管网系统节能监测方法 Monitoring and testing method for energy Saving of fan unit and distribution tube system F01 GB/T 15914 - 1995 蒸汽加热设备节能监测方法 Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of steam healing equipments F01 GB/T 1681 1 - 1997 低压锅炉水处理设施运行效果与监测 Running result and the monitoring and testing of low - pressure boilers water - treatment equipment F01 GB/T 17049 - 1997 全玻璃真空太阳集热管 All - glass evacuated solar collector tubes F01 GB/T 17050 - 1997 热辐射术语 Thermal radiation terms FOI GB/T 17166 - 1997 企业能源审计技术通则 General principle of energy audit on industrial and commercial enterprise FOI GB/T 17167 - 1997 企业能源计量器具配备与管理导则 Guides for providing and managing of the measuring instruments of energy in enterprise F01 GB/T 17358 - 1998 热处理生产电耗定额及其计算和测定方法 Power consumption quota and its counting and testing method in heat treating production F01 GB/T 17367 - 1998 取水许可技术考核与管理通则 General regulation on technical assessment and management for water licensing F01 GB/T 17471 - 1998 锅炉热网系统能源监测与计量仪表配备原则 Principles for providing of monitoring and measuring instruments of energy in boiler heating network sys - tem FOI GB/T 17719 - 1999 工业锅炉及火焰加热炉烟气余热资源量计算方法与利用导则 Calculating method and utilization guides for waste heat resource’s quantity of industrial boiler’s and flame heating furnace’s waste gas F01 GB/T 17781 - 1999 技术能量系统基本概念 Technical energy systems - Basic concepts F01 GB 17896 - 1999 管形荧光灯镇流器能效限定值及节能评价值 Limited values of energy efficiency and evaluating values of energy conservation of ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps F01 GB/T 17954 - 2000 工业锅炉经济运行 Economical operation of industrial boilers F01 GB/T 17981 - 2000 空气调节系统经济运行 Economical operation of air conditioning systems F01 GB/T 18292 - 2001 生活锅炉经济运行 Economical operation of boilers for daily life F01 GB/T 18293 - 2001 电力整流设备运行效率的在线测量 On - line measurement on operating efficiency of power converter equipments F01 GB 18613 - 2002 中小型三相异步电动机能效限定值及节能评价值 Limited values of energy efficiency and evaluating values of energy conservation of small and medium three - phase asynchronous motors F01 GB/Z 18718 - 2002 热处理节能技术导则 Energy savings directives for heat treatment F01 GB/T 18870 - 2002 节水型产品技术条件与管理通则 Technical conditions for water saving products and general regulation for management F01 GB 19043 - 2003 普通照明用双端荧光灯能效限定值及能效等级 Limited values of energy efficiency and ral2ng criteria of double - capped fluorescent lamps for general lighting service F01 GB 19044 - 2003 普通照明用自镇流荧光灯能效限定值及能效等级 Limited values of energy efficiency and rating criteria of self - ballasted fluorescent lamps for general lighting service F01 GB/T 19064 - 2003 家用太阳能光伏电源系统技术条件和试验方法 Solar home system specifications and test procedure F01 GB/T 19065 - 2003 电加热锅炉系统经济运行 Economic operation for electric boiler system F01 GB 19153 - 2003 容积式空气压缩机能效限定值及节能评价值 Limited values of energy efficiency and evaluating values of energy conservation of displacement air compressor F01 GB 19416 - 2003 单端荧光灯能效限定值及节能评价值 Limited values of energy efficiency and evaluating val1ies of energy conservation for single - capped fluorescent lamps F01 GB 19573 - 2004 高压钠灯能效限定值及能效等级 Limited values of energy efficiency and rating criteria for high - pressure sodium vapour lamps F01 GB 19574 - 2004 高压钠灯用镇流器能效限定值及节能评价值 Limited values of energy efficiency and evaluating values of energy conservation of ballast for high - pressure sodium lamps F01 GB 19576 - 2004 单元式空气调节机能效限定值及能源效率等级 The minimum allowable values of the energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for unitary air conditioners F01 GB 19577 - 2004 冷水机组能效限定值及能源效率等级 The minimum allowable values of the energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for water chillers F04 GB/T 1028 - 2000 工业余热术语、分类、等级及余热资源量计算方法 Terms, classification, grade of waste heat in industry and calculating method of quantity of waste heat resources FD4 GB 2586 - 1991 热量单位、符号与换算 Unit, symbol and conversion sectors of heat F04 GB/T 4270 - 1999 技术文件用热工图形符号与文字代号 Graphical symbols and letter codes for thermal engineering in the technical documentation GB/T 4960. 1 - 1996 核科学技术术语核物理与核化学 Glossary of terms - Nuclear science and technology - Nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry Y~4 GB/T4960. 2 - 1996 核科学技术术语裂变反应堆 Glossary of terms - Nuclear science and technology - Fission reactor F04 GB/T 4960. 3 - 1996 核科学技术术语核燃料与核燃料循环 Glossary of terms - Nuclear science and technology - Nuclear fuel and nuclear fuel cycle F04 GB/T 4960. 4 - 1996 核科学技术术语放射性核素 Glossary of terms - Nuclear science and technology - Radionuclide F04 GB/T 4960. 5 - 1996 核科学技术术语辐射防护与辐射源安全 Glossary of terms - Nuclear science and technology - Radiation protection and safety of radiation sources F04 GB/T 4960. 6 - 1996 核科学技术术语核仪器仪表 Glossary of terms - Nuclear science and technology - Nuclear instrumentation F04 GB/T 4960. 7 - 1996 核科学技术术语核材料管制 Glossary Of terms - Nuclear science and technology - Nuclear material control F04 GB/T 4960. 8 - 1996 核科学技术术语放射性废物管理 Glossary of terms - Nuclear science and technology - Radioactive waste management F04 GB/T 6422 - 1986 企业能耗计量与测试导则 Directives for measuring and testing energy consumption in industrial enterprises F04 GB/T6425 - 1986 热分析术语 Nomenclature for thermal analysis F04 GB/T 7161 - 1987 非密封放射性物质识别和证书 Unsealed radioactive substances - Identification and certification F04 GB/T 8174 - 1987 设备及管道保温效果的测试与评价 Methods of measuring and evaluating thermal insulation effects for equipments and pipes FU4 GB/T 8175 - 1987 设备及管道保温设计导则 Guide for design of thermal insulation of equipments and pipes FU4 GB/T 10820 - 2002 生活锅炉热效率及热工试验方法 Thermal efficiency and test methods of boilers for daffy life FU4 GB/T 1 1790 - 1996 设备及管道保冷技术通则 General principles for low - temperature insulation technique of equipments and pipes F04 GB/T 12021. 1 - 1989家用和类似用途电器电耗(效率)限定值及测试方法编制通则 The general principles for formulating the limited value and testing method of energy consumption (efficiency)for household and similar electrical appliances F94 GB 12021. 5 - 1989 电熨斗电耗限定值及测试方法 The limited value of energy consumption and method of testing for electrical iron F94 GB 12021. 6 - 1989 自动电饭锅效率、保温电耗限定值及测试方法 The limited value and testing method of efficiency and warming energy consumption for automatic rice cookers F04 GB 12021. 7 - 1989 彩色及黑白电视广播接收机电耗限定值及测试方法 The limited value and testing method of electrical energy consumption for broadcasting receiver of colour and monochromic television F04 GB 12021. 8 - 1989 收录音机效率限定值及测量方法 The limited value of efficiency and methods of measurement on radio receivers and recorder F04 GB 12021. 9 - 1989 电风扇电耗限定值及测试方法 The limited value of energy consumption Of electric fans and it’s measuring method F04 GB/T 12452 - 1990 企业水平衡与测试通则 The general principles of water balance and testing in enterprises F04 GB/T 15446 - 1995 辐射加工剂量学术语 Terminology relating t0 radiation processing dosimetry F04 GB/T 15447 - 1995 x、1射线和电子束辐照不同材料吸收剂量的换算方法 Conversion method of absorbed doses m different materials irradiated by X, 1 rays and electron beams F04 GB/T 16614 - 1996 企业能量平衡统计方法 Statistical method of energy balance in enterprises H)4 GB/T 16615 - 1996 企业能量平衡表编制方法 Methods of drawing up energy balance table in enterprises F04 GB/T 16616 - 1996 企业能源网络图绘制方法 Methods Of drawing energy network diagram in enterprises Y04 GB/T 16617 - 1996 设备及管道保冷效果的测试与评价 Methods of measuring and evaluating low - temperature insulation effects for equipments and pipes F04 GB/T 16618 - 1996 工业炉窑保温技术通则 General principles for thermal insulation technique of industrial furnaces F04 GB/T 16664 - 1996 企业供配电系统节能监测方法 Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of power supply distribution system of industrial enterprise F04 GB/T 16665 - 1996 空气压缩机组及供气系统节能监测方法 Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of air compressor unit and air distribution system F04 GB/T 16666 - 1996 泵类及液体输送系统节能监测方法 Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of motor - pump liquid transport system F04 GB/T 16667 - 1996 电焊设备节能监测方法 Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of electrical welding installation F04 GB/T 16698 - 1996 d粒子发射率的测量大面积正比计数管法 Measurement of emission rate of q particle - Method for large area proportional counter F04 GB/T 17357 - 1998 设备及管道绝热层表面热损失现场测定法 In - situ measurements of heat loss in thermal insulation of equipments and pipes - Heat flow meter apparatus F04 GB/T 18021 - 2000 设备及管道绝热层表面热损失现场测定表面温度法 In - situ measurements of heat loss through thermal insulation of equipments and pipes – Surface temperature method F08 GB 12711 - 1991 低、中水平放射性固体废物包装安全标准 Standard of safety for low and intermediate - level solid radioactive waste packages F08 GB 15219 - 1994 放射性物质运输包装质量保证 Quanty assurance for packaging used in the transport of radioactive materials F08 GB/T 17230 - 1998 放射性物质安全运输货包的泄漏检验 Safe transport of radioactive material - Leakage testing on packages F08 GB 13367 - 1992 辐射源和实践的豁免管理原则 Principles for the exemption of radiation sources and practices from regulatory control F09 GB 14052 - 1993 安装在设备上的同位素仪表的辐射安全性能要求 Radionuclide gauges - Gauges designed for permanent installation F09 GB 15146. 1 - 1994 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全核临界安全行政管理规定 Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor - Administrative regulation for nuclear criticality safety F09 GB 15146. 2 - 1994 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全易裂变材料操作、加工、处理的基本技术准则与次临界限值 Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor - Basic technical criteria and subcritical limits for handling processing and operations of fissile materials F09 GB 15146. 3 - 1994 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全易裂变材料贮存的核临界安全要求 Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor - Requirements for nuclear criticality safety in the storage of fissile material F09 GB 15146. 4 - 1994 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全含易裂变物质水溶液的钢质管道交接的核临界安全准则 Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor - Nuclear criticality safety criteria for steel - pipe intersections containing aqueous solutions of fissile material F09 GB 15146. 5 - 1994 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全钚一天然铀混合物的核临界控制准则和次临界限值 Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor - Nuclear criticality control criteria and sub - critical limits for plutonium - natural uranium mixtures F09 GB/T 15146. 6 - 1994反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全硼硅酸盐玻璃拉希环及其应用准则 Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor - Borosilicate mass Raschig rings and its application criteria F09 GB 15146. 7 - 1994 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全次临界中子增殖就地测量安全规定 Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor - Safety controls in conducting subcritical neutron multiplication measurements in situ F09 GB 15146. 8 - 1994 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全堆外操作、贮存、运输轻水堆燃料单元的核临界安全准则 Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor - Criticality safety criteria for the handling, storage and transportation of LWR fuel unit outside reactors F09 GB 15146. 9 - 1994 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全核临界事故探测与报警系统的性能及检验要求 Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor - Performance and testing requirements for nuclear criticality detection and alarm system F09 GB 15146. 10 - 2001 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全 固定中子吸收体的应用安全要求 Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors - Safety requirements for the use of fixed neutron absorbers F09 GB/T 15146. 11 - 2004反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全基于限制和控制慢化剂的核临界安全 Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor - Nuclear criticality safety based on limiting and controlling moderators |
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