Продукция из сталиСодержание:40 Продукция из стали - общее 41 чугун 42 ферросплавов 43 стальные слитки, заготовки 44 стальной профиль, фасонная сталь 46 листовая сталь, стальная лента 48 стальные трубы, чугунные трубы 49 проволока, проволока канат 52 сталь для железнодорожного транспорта 53 электротехническая сталь 54 другие стальные изделия 57 жаропрочных сплавов 58 Точные сплавы 59 других специальных сплавов H40 GB/T 221-2000 钢铁产品牌号表示方法 Notations for designations of iron and steel H40 GB/T 699-1999 优质碳素结构钢 Quality carbon structural steels H40 GB/T 7(D-1988 碳素结构钢 Carbon structural steels H40 GB/T 714-2000 桥梁用结构钢 Structural steel for bridge H40 GB/T 905-1994 冷拉圆钢、方钢、六角钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimension, shape, weight and tolerance for cold-drawn round, square and hexagonal steels H40 GB/T 1298-1986 碳素工具钢技术条件 Carbon tool steels-Technical requirements H40 GB/T1299-2000 合金工具钢 Alloy tool steels H40 GB/T 1591-1994 低合金高强度结构钢 High strength low alloy structural steels H40 GB/T3077-1999 合金结构钢 Alloy structure steels H40 GB/T3086-1982 高碳铬不锈轴承钢技术条件 Specification for high carbon chromium stainless bearing steels H40 GB/T 3203-1982 渗碳轴承钢技术条件 Specification for carburizing steels of bearings H40 GB/T4171-2000 高耐候结构钢 Superior atmospheric corrosion resisting structural steel H40 GB/T4172-2000 焊接结构用耐候钢 Atmospheric corrosion resisting steel for welded structure H40 GB 4234-2003 外科植入物用不锈钢 Stainless steel for surgical implants H40 GB/T 5216-2004 保证淬透性结构钢 Structural steels subject to end-quench harden ability requirements H40 GB/T 8731-1988 易切削结构钢技术条件 Free-cutl$ag steel-Technical requirements H40 GB/T 9942-1988 高速工具钢大截面锻制钢材技术条件 High speed tool steel forged bars with large section-technical requirements H40 GB/T 9943-1988 高速工具钢棒技术条件 High speed tool steel bars-Technical requirements H40 GB/T 13304-1991 钢分类 Steels-Classification H40 GB/T 15574-1995 钢产品分类 Steel products classification and definition H40 GB/T 15575-1995 钢产品标记代号 Steel products standard designation H40 GB/T 15712-1995 非调质机械结构钢 Ferritic Pearlitic engineering steels for precipitation hardening from hot-Working temperature H40 GB/T 17107-1997 锻件用结构钢牌号和力学性能 Structural steel grades and mechanical property for forgings H40 GB/T 17505-1998 钢及钢产品交货一般技术要求 Steel and steel products-General technical delivery requirements H40 GB/T 17616-1998 钢铁及合金牌号统一数字代号体系 Unified numbering system for designations of iron, steel and alloy H40 GB/T18253-2000 钢及钢产品检验文件的类型 Steel and steel products-Types of inspection documents H40 GB/T 18254-2002 高碳铬轴承钢 High-carbon chromium beating steel H41 GB/T 717-1998 炼钢用生铁 Pigiron for steelmaking H41 GB/T 718-1982 铸造用生铁 Foundry pig iron H41 GB/T 1412-1985 球墨铸铁用生铁 Pig iron used for spheroidal graphite cast iron H41 GB/T 3420-1982 灰口铸铁管件 Gray iron castigs for pipe fittings H41 GB/T 3421-1982 砂型离心铸铁管 cast-iron pressure pipe centrifugany cast in sand-linedmolds H41 GB/T3422-1982 连续铸铁管 Cast-iron pressure pipe made by continuous casting process H41 GB 4223-2004 废钢铁 Iron and steel scraps H41 GB/T 5612-1985 铸铁牌号表示方法 Code for representing cast iron H41 GB/T 6483-1986 柔性机械接口灰口铸铁管 Soft mechanical joint grey cast iron pipe H41 GB/T 8649-1988 轧制钢球 Rolling balls H42 GB/T 2272-1987 硅铁 Ferrosilicon H42 GB/T 2774-1991 金属锰 Manganese metal H42 GB/T3211-1987 金属铬 Chromilun metal H42 GB/T 3282-1987 钛铁 Ferrotitanium H42 GB/T 3648-1996 钨铁 Ferrotungsten H42 GB/T3649-1987 钼铁 Ferromolybdenum H42 GB/T 3650-1995 铁合金验收、包装、储运、标志和质量证明书的一般规定 The general rules for inspection, packing, storing transportation, marking and certification offerroalloy H42 GB/T3795-1996 锰铁 Ferromanganese H42 GB/T 4008-1996 锰硅合金 Ferromanganese-silicon H42 GB/T4009-1989 硅铬合金 Chromium silicon H42 GB/T 4010-1994 铁合金化学分析用试样的采取和制备 Ferro alloys-Sampling and preparation of samples for chemical analysis H42 GB/T 4139-2004 钒铁 Ferrovanadium H42 GB/T 5682-1995 硼铁 Ferroboron H42 GB/T 5683-1987 铬铁 Ferrochromium H42 GB/T 5684-1987 真空法微碳铬铁 Vacuum extra low carbon ferrochromium H42 GB/T 7737-1997 铌铁 Ferroniobium H42 GB/T 7738-1987 铁合金产品牌号表示方法 Notations for designation of ferroalloys H42 GB/T14984-1994 铁合金术语 Ferroalloys-Vocabulary H42 GB/T 15710-1995 硅钡合金 Silicon barium alloy H42 GB/T 18249-2000 检查铁合金取样和制样偏差的试验方法 Ferroalloys-FATerimental methods for checking the bias of sampling and sample preparation H43 GB 5068-1999 铁路机车、车辆车轴用钢 Axles steel for railway locomotive and wagons H43 GB 13447-1992 无缝气瓶用钢坯 Steel blank for seamless gas cylinder H44 GB/T 70l - 1997 低碳钢热轧圆盘条 Hot-tuned low carbon steel wire rods H44 GB/T 702-2004 热轧圆钢和方钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot-rolled round and square steel bars-Dimension, shape, weight and tolerance H44 GB/T 704-1988 热轧扁钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances for hot - rolled fiats H44 GB/T 705-1989 热轧六角钢和八角钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot-rolled hexagonal and octagonal steel bars - dimensions, shape, weight and tolerance H44 GB/T 706-1988 热轧工字钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot-rolled beam steel-Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances H44 GB/T 707-1988 热轧槽钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot- rolled channel steel-Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances H44 GB/T 715-1989 标准件用碳素钢热轧圆钢 Hot-rolled round carbon steel bars for standard parts H44 GB/T 908-1987 锻制圆钢和方钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Forged round and square steels-Dimension, shape, weight and tolerance H44 GB/T 911-2004 热轧工具钢扁钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions, shapes, weight and tolerances for hot- roned tool flat steels H44 GB/T 1220-1992 不锈钢棒 Stainless steel bars H44 GB/T 1221-1992 耐热钢棒 Heat-resisting steel bars H44 GB/T 1222-1984 弹簧钢 Spring steel H44 GB/T 1301-1994 凿岩钎杆用中空钢 Rock drilling equipment-Hollow drill steels in bar form H44 GB 1499 - 1998 钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋 Hot roiled ribbed steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete H44 GB/T 2101-1989 型钢验收、包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定 General requirements of acceptance, packaging, marking and certification for section steel H44 GB/T 2597 - 1994 窗框用热轧型钢 Heat-rolled window sash steel H44 GB/T 3078-1994 优质结构钢冷拉钢材技术条件 Technical requirements for quality structural steel cold drawn bars H44 GB/T 3414-1994 煤机用热轧异型钢 Hot-rolled profiled steels for coal mechanism H44 GB/T3429-2002 焊接用钢盘条 Wire rod for electrode H44 GB/T 4226-1984 不锈钢冷加工钢棒 Cold finished stainless steel bars H44、GB/T 4227 - 1984 不锈钢热轧等边角钢 Hot rolled stainless steel with equal leg angles H44 GB/T 4241-1984 焊接用不锈钢盘条 Stainless steel wire rods for welding H44 GB/T 4354-1994 优质碳素钢热轧盘条 Hot-rolled quality carbon steel wire rods H44 GB/T 4356-2002 不锈钢盘条 Stainless steel wire rods H44 GB 4463-1984 预应力混凝土用热处理钢筋 Heat-treated steel bar for pre stressed concrete H44 GB/T 4697-1991 矿山巷道支护用热轧U型钢 Hot roned U - type steel for mine timbering H44 GB/T 6478-2001 冷镦和冷挤压用钢 Steels for cold heading and cold extruding H44 GB/T6480-2002 凿岩用硬质合金钎头 Carbide detachable bit for rock drilling H44 GB/T 6481-2002 凿岩用锥体连接中空六角形钎杆 Hollow hexagonal drill rods with taped connection for rock drilling H44 GB/T 6482-1994 凿岩用波形螺纹连接钎杆 Rope thread extension steel bars for rock drilling H44 GB/T 6723-1986 通用冷弯开口型钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Cold forming sectional steel-Open sectional steel for general structure-Dimension, form, weight and permissible deviations H44 GB/T 6724-1986 冷弯波形钢板 Cold forming corrugated sheet H44 GB/T 6725-2002 冷弯型钢 Cold formed steel sections H44 GB/T 6726-1986 货运汽车用冷弯型钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Cold forming sectional steel for cargo vehicle-dimension, form, weight and permissible deviations H44 GB/T 6727-1986 客运汽车用冷弯型钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Cold forming sectional steel for passenger vehicle - dimension, form, weight and permissible deviations H44 GB/T 6728-2002 结构用冷弯空心型钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Cold formed steel hollow sections for general structure - Dimensions, shapes, weight and permissible deviations H44 GB/T 8732-2004 汽轮机叶片用钢 Steels of blade for steam turbine H44 GB/T 9787-1988 热轧等边角钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot-rolled equal-leg angle steel-Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances H44 GB/T 9788-1988 热轧不等边角钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot-rolled unequal-leg angle steel-Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances H44 GB/T 9945-2001 热轧球扁钢 Hot-rolled bulb flat steel H44 GB/T 9946-1988 热轧L型钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances for hot-rolled L-sectional steel H44 GB/T 10560-1989 矿用高强度圆环链用钢技术条件 High tensile steels for round link chains for mines - technical requirements H44 GB/T11263-1998 热轧H型钢和剖分T型钢 The hot-rolled H and cut T section steel H44 GB/T 12773-1991 内燃机气阀钢棒技术条件 Valve steel bars for internal combustion engines-technical requirements H44 GB 13013-1991 钢筋混凝土用热轧光圆钢筋 Hot rolled plain steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete H44 GB 13014-1991 钢筋混凝土用余热处理钢筋 Remained heat treatment ribbed steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete H44 GB 13788-2000 冷轧带肋钢筋 Cold rolled ribbed steel wires and bars H44 GB/T 13791-1992 冷拉异型钢 Cold drawn special shaped steel bar H44 GB/T 13796-1992 工业链条用冷拉钢 Cold-drawn steels for industrial chain H44 GB/T 14292-1993 碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢热轧条钢技术条件 Hot-rolled long products technical requirements for carbon structure steel and low-alloy structure steel H44 GB/T 14981-2004 热轧盘条尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions, shape, mass and tolerances for hot - rolled wire rods H44 GB/T 16761-1997 锻制扁钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances for forged flats H44 GB/T 18669-2002 船用锚链圆钢 Steel bars for ship anchor chain H44 GB/T19446-2004 异型接点带通用规范 Specification for electrical contact profiles H44 GB/T 19530-2004 油淬火一回火弹簧钢丝用热轧盘条 Hot-rolled wire rod for quenched and tempered springs H46 GB/T 247-1997 钢板和钢带检验、包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定 General rule of acceptance, package, mark and certification for steel plates(sheets)and strips H46 GB/T 708-1988 冷轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances for cold - rolled plates and sheets H46 GB/T 708-1988 热轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances for hot hlued plates and sheets H46 GB/T 710-1991 优质碳素结构钢热轧薄钢板和钢带 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel sheets and strips H46 GB/T 71 1-1988 优质碳素结构钢热轧厚钢板和宽钢带 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel plates and wide strips H46 GB 712-2000 船体用结构钢 Hull structural steel H46 GB 713-1997 锅炉用钢板 Steel plates for boilers H46 GB/T 716-1991 碳素结构钢冷轧钢带 Cold-rolled carbon structural steel strips H46 GB/T 912-1989 碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢热轧薄钢板及钢带 Hot-rolled plain carbon and low alloy structural steel sheets and strips H46 GB/T 2518-2004 连续热镀锌钢板及钢带 Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated steel sheets and strips H46 GB/T 2520-2000 冷轧电镀锡薄钢板 Cold-reduced electrolytictin plate H46 GB/T 2521-1996 冷轧晶粒取向、无取向磁性钢带(片) Cold-rolled grain-oriented and non-oriented magnetic steel strip(sheet) H46 GB/T3273-1989 汽车大梁用热轧钢板 Hot-rolled steel plates and sheets for automobile frames H46 GB/T 3274-1988 碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢热轧厚钢板和钢带 Carbon structural and low alloy steel-Rotied plates and strips H46 GB/T 3275-1991 汽车制造用优质碳素结构钢热轧钢板和钢带 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel plates and strips for automobile H46 GB/T 3277-1991 花纹钢板 Corrugated steel plates with lath and lentilform H46 GB/T 3278-2001 碳素工具钢热轧钢板 Hot-rolled carbon tool steel sheets and plates H46 GB/T 3279-1989 弹簧钢热轧薄钢板 Hot-rolled spring steel sheets H46 GB/T 3280-1992 不锈钢冷轧钢板 Cold rolled stainless steel sheets and plates H46 GB/T 3522-1983 优质碳素结构钢冷轧钢带 Cold-rolled quality carbon structural steel strips H46 GB/T 3524-1992 碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢热轧钢带 Hot-rolled carbon and low alloy structural steel strips H46 GB 3531-1996 低温压力容器用低合金钢钢板 Low alloy steel plates for low temperature pressure vessels H46 GB/T 4229 - 1984 不锈钢板重量计算方法 Methods of weight calculation of stainless steel plates and sheets H46 GB/T 4231 - 1993 弹簧用不锈钢冷轧钢带 Cold rolled stainless steel strips for springs H46 GB/T 4237 - 1992 不锈钢热轧钢板 Hot rolled stainless steel sheets and plates H46 GB/T 4238 - 1992 耐热钢板 Heat-resisting steel sheets and plates H46 GB/T4239 - 1991 不锈钢和耐热钢冷轧钢带 Cold rolled stainless steel and heat resisting steel strips H46 GB/T4461 - 1992 热双金属带材 Thermostatic bimetal strips H46 GB/T 5065 - 2004 热镀铅锡合金碳素钢冷轧薄钢板及钢带 Hot-dip lead-tin alloy coated cold rolled carbon steel sheets and strips H46 GB/T 5213 - 2001 深冲压用冷轧薄钢板及钢带 Cold rolled sheets and strips for deep drawing H46 GB/T 5313 - 1985 厚度方向性能钢板 Steel plate with through-thickness characteristics H46 GB 6653 - 1994 焊接气瓶用钢板 Steel plates for welded gas cylinders H46 GB 6654 - 1996 压力容器用钢板 Steel plates for pressure vessels H46 GB/T 8164 - 1993 焊接钢管用钢带 Steel strips for welded steel pipe H46 GB/T 8165 - 1997 不锈钢复合钢板和钢带 Stainless steel clab plates and strips H46 GB/T 8749 - 1988 优质碳素结构钢热轧钢带 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel strips H46 GB/T 9941 - 1988 高速工具钢钢板技术条件 High speed tool steel sheets and plates - Technical requirements H46 GB/T 11251 - 1989 合金结构钢热轧厚钢板 Hot-rolled alloy structural steel plates H46 GB/T 11252 - 1989 犁壁用热轧三层钢板和宽钢带 Hot-rolled tri-clad plates and wide strips for plough wall H46 GB/T 1 1253 - 1989 碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢冷轧薄钢板及钢带 Cold-rolled plain carbon and low alloy structural steel sheets and strips H46 GB/T 11254 - 1989 压缩机阀片用热轧薄钢板 Hot rolled steel sheets for compressor valves H46 GB/T 12754 - 1991 彩色涂层钢板及钢带 Coloured paint coat steel plates and strips H46 GB/T 12755 - 1991 建筑用压型钢板 Roll-profiled steel sheet for building H46 GB/T 13237 - 1991 优质碳素结构钢冷轧薄钢板和钢带 Cold-rolled quality carbon structural steel sheets and strips H46 GB/T 13238 - 1991 铜钢复合钢板 Copper-steel clad plates H46 GB/T 13790 - 1992 日用搪瓷用冷轧薄钢板和钢带 Cold rolled sheets and strips for civil enameling H46 GB/T 13795 - 1992 工业链条用冷轧钢带 cold-rolled steel strips for industrial chain H46 GB/T 14164 - 1993 石油天然气输送管用热轧宽钢带 Hot-rolled wide strips for line pipe of oil and natural gas H46 GB/T 14977 - 1994 热轧钢板表面质量的一般要求 General requirement of surface finish for hot roned steel plates H46 GB/T 14978 - 1994 连续热浸镀铝锌硅合金镀层钢带和钢板 Continual hot-dip aluminium zinc silicon alloy coated steel strips and sheets H46 GB/T 15391 - 1994 宽度小于600ram冷轧钢带的尺寸、外形及允许偏差 Dimensions, shape and tolerances for cold-rolled steel strips with a width less than 600mm H46. GB/T 15392 - 1994 宽度小于700mm连续热镀锌钢带 Continual hot-dip zinc-coated steel strips with a width less than 700ram H46 GB/T 15675 - 1995 连续电镀锌冷轧钢板及钢带 Continuously electrolytic zinc-coated cold-rolled steel sheets and strips H46 GB/T 16270 - 1996 高强度结构钢热处理和控轧钢板、钢带 High-strength structural steel plates and strips: products supplied in the heat-treated or controlled rolled condition H46 GB/T 17102 - 1997 不锈复合钢冷轧薄钢板和钢带 Cold rolled stainless steel clad sheets and strips H46 GB/T 18847 - 2002 聚氯乙烯覆膜金属板 Polyvinyl chloride laminated sheet-metal H46 GB/T 18982 - 2003 集装箱用耐腐蚀钢板及钢带 Corrosion resistant steel plates and strips for container H46 GB 19189 - 2003 压力容器用调质高强度钢板 Quenched and tempered high strength steel plates for pressure vessels H46 GB/T 19435 - 2004 滑动轴承用铝锡合金一钢复合带 Aluminum- tin alloy and steel bimetal strip for plain bearings H48 GB/T 2102 - 1988 钢管的验收、包装、标志和质量证明书 Acceptance, packing, marking, and certification of pipe H48 GB 3087 - 1999 低中压锅炉用无缝钢管 Seamless steel tubes for low and medium pressure H48 GB/T 3089 - 1982 不锈耐酸钢极薄壁无缝钢管 Thinnest-wall seamless tubes of stainless and acid resistance steel H48 GB/T3090-2000 不锈钢小直径无缝钢管 Stainless steel small diameter seamless steel tubes H48 GB/T 3091 - 2001 低压流体输送用焊接钢管 Welded steel pipe for low pressure liquid delivery H48 GB/T 3093 - 2002 柴油机用高压无缝钢管 High-pressure seamless steel tubes for diesel engine H48 GB/T 3094 - 2000 冷拔异型钢管 Cold drawn shaped steel tubes H48 GB/T 3639 - 2000 冷拔或冷轧精密无缝钢管 Cold-drawn or cold-rolled precision seamless steel tubes H48 GB/T 3640 - 1998 普通碳素钢电线套管 Plain carbon steel pipes for electric wire H48 GB/T 3641 - 1983 P3型镀锌金属软管 Type P3 galvanized metallic flexible hose H48 GB/T 3642 - 1988 s型钎焊不锈钢金属软管 Type S brazed stainless steel flexible metallic hose H48 GB/T 5310 - 1985 高压锅炉用无缝钢管 Seamless steel tubes and pipes for high pressure boiler H48 GB/T 5312 - 1999 船舶用碳钢和碳锰钢无缝钢管 Carbon and carbon-manganese steel seamless steel tubes and pipes for ship H48 GB 6479 - 2000。。高压化肥设备用无缝钢管 Seamless steel tubes for high-pressure for chemical fertilizer equipments H48 GB/T 8162 - 1999 结构用无缝钢管 Seamless steel tubes for structural purposes H48 GB/T 8163 - 1999 输送流体用无缝钢管 Seamless steel tubes for liquid service H48 GB/T 8713 - 1988 液压和气动缸筒用精密内径无缝钢管 Inside diameter required precision seamless steel tube for hydraulic and pneumatic cylinder use H48 GB/T 8714 - 1988 梯唇型橡胶圈接口铸铁管 Grey cast iron pipes with rubber ring of ladder-lip-shaped H48 GB/T 8715 - 1988 柔性机械接口铸铁管件 Soft mechanical joint grey cast iron fittings H48 GB 9948 - 1988 石油裂化用无缝钢管 Handess steel robes for petroleum cracking H48 GB/T 12770 - 2002 机械结构用不锈钢焊接钢管 Welded stainless steel tubes for machine structures H49 GB/T 347 - 1982 针布钢丝 Card wire H49 GB/T 348 - 1964 刺钢丝 Barbed steel wires H49 GB/T 352 - 2002 密封钢丝绳 Locked coil wire ropes H49 GB/T 1499. 3 - 2002 钢筋混凝土用钢筋焊接网 Welded steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete H49 GB/T 2103 - 1988 钢丝验收、包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定 General provisions for checking, packing, marking and quality certification of steel wire H49 GB/T 2104 - 1988 钢丝绳包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定 Steel wire ropes - Packing, marking and certificate-General requirements H49 GB/T 3079 - 1993 合金结构钢丝 Alloy structure steel wires H49 GB/T 3080 - 2001 高速工具钢丝 High speed tool steel wire H49 GB/T 3082 - 1984 铠装电缆用镀锌低碳钢丝 Galvanized low carbon steel wire for armouring cables H49 GB/T 3206 - 1982 优质碳素结构钢丝 Carbon constructional quality steel wires H49 GB/T3207 - 1988 银亮钢 Bright steel H49 GB/T 4232 - 1993 冷顶锻用不锈钢丝 Stainless steel wires for cold heading and cold forging H49 GB/T4240 - 1993 不锈钢丝 Stainless sted wires H49 GB/T 4357 - 1989 碳素弹簧钢丝 Carbon spring steel wires H49 GB/T 4358 - 1995 重要用途碳素弹簧钢丝 Carbon spring steel wire for significant use H49 GB/T 5218 - 1999 合金弹簧钢丝 Alloy spring steel wires H49 GB/T 5222 - 1985 弹簧垫圈用梯形钢丝 Trapezed steel wire for spring washer H49 GB/T 5223 - 2002 预应力混凝土用钢丝 Steel wires for the prestressing of concrete H49 GB/T 5224 - 2003 预应力混凝土用钢绞线 Steel strand for prestressed concrete H49 GB/T 5952 - 1986 碳素工具钢丝 Carbon tool steel wires H49 GB/T 5953 - 1999 冷镦钢丝 Steel wires for cold heading H49 GB/T 8706 - 1988 钢丝绳术语 Steel wire ropes - Terminology H49 GB 8903 - 1988 电梯用钢丝绳 Steel wire ropes for elevators H49 GB/T 8918-1996 钢丝绳 Steel wire ropes H49 GB/T8919 - 1996 制绳用钢丝 Wire for steel wire ropes use H49 GB/T 9944 - 2002 不锈钢丝绳 Stainless steel wire ropes H49 GB/T 11181 - 2003 子午线轮胎用钢帘线 Steel cord for radial Wire H49 GB/T 11182 - 1989 橡胶软管增强用钢丝 Steel wire for hose reinforcement H49 GB/T12753 - 2002 输送带用钢丝绳 Steel wire ropes for conveyer belts H49 GB/T 12756 - 1991 胶管用钢丝绳 Steel wire ropes for rubber hose H49 GB/T 14450 - 2004 胎圈用钢丝 Bead wire H49 GB/T 14451 - 1993 操纵用钢丝绳 Steel wire ropes for control H49 GB/T 14957 - 1994 熔化焊用钢丝 Steel wires for melt welding H49 GB/T 14958 - 1994 气体保护焊用钢丝 Steel wires for gas shielded welding H49 GB/T 15393 - 1994 钢丝镀锌层 Zinc coatings for steel wire H49 GB/T 16269 - 1996 面接触钢丝绳 Facial contacted wire ropes H49 GB/T 16271 - 1996 钢丝绳吊索插编索扣 Steel wire ropes - Spliced eye termination for slings H49 GB/T 16762 - 1997 一般用途钢绳吊索特性和技术条件 Wire rope slings for general purposes - -Characteristics and specifications H49 GB/T 17101 - 1997 桥梁缆索用热镀锌钢丝 Hot-dip galvanized steel wires for bridge cables H49 GB/T 18579 - 2001 高碳铬轴承钢丝 High-carbon chromium bearing steel wires H49 GB/T 18983 - 2003 油淬火一回火弹簧钢丝 Oil-hardened and tempered stell wire for mechanical springs H52 GB/T 181 - 1963 每米50公斤钢轨型式尺寸 50 kg/m Steel rails H52 GB/T 182 - 1963 每米43公斤钢轨型式尺寸 43 kg/m Steel rails H52 GB/T 183 - 1963 每米38公斤钢轨型式尺寸 38 kg/m Steel mils H52 GB/T184 - 1963 每米50公斤钢轨用鱼尾板式尺寸 Fish-plates for 50 kg/m steel rails H52 GB/T 185 - 1963 每米38及43公斤钢轨用鱼尾板型式尺寸 Fish-plates for 38 kg/m and 43 kg/m steel rails H52 GB/T 186 - 1963 每米50公斤钢轨用垫板型式尺寸 Tie-plates for 50 kg/m steel rails H52 GB 2585 - 1981 铁路用每米38-50公斤钢轨技术条件 Technical requirements for 38 kg/m to 50 kg/m steel rails for railway H52 GB/T 2826 - -1981 每米38-50公斤钢轨用垫板技术条件 Tie-plates - Technical requirements for 38 kg/m to 50 kg/m steel rails H52 GB 8601 - 1988 铁路用辗钢整体车轮 Rolled solid wheels for railway H52 GB 8602 - 1988 铁路用粗制轮箍 Rough-rolled tyres for railway H52 GB/T 11264 - 1989 轻轨 Light rails H52 GB/T 11265 - 1989 轻轨用接头夹板 Fish plates for light rails H52 GB/T 11266 - 1989 轻轨用垫板 Tie plates for light rails H53 GB/T6983 - 1986 电磁纯铁棒材技术条件 Technical requirements for magnetic iron bars H53 GB/T 6984 - 1986 电磁纯铁热轧厚板技术条件 Technical requirements for magnetic iron hot-rolled plates H53 GB/T 6985 - 1986 电磁纯铁冷轧薄板 Magnetic iron cold-rolled sheets H53 GB/T 9971 - 2004 原料纯铁 Pure iron for raw material H53 GB/T 17951. 2 - 2002半工艺冷轧无取向电工钢带(片) Cold-rolled grain non-oriented electrical steel strip (sheet)delivered in the semi-processed state H54 GB 17100 - 1997 外科植入物用铸造钴铬钼合金 Casting Co-Cr-Mo alloy for surgical implants H58 GB/T 1234 - 1995 高电阻电热合金 High resistance alloys for electrical heating H58 GB/T 14985 - 1994 膨胀合金的尺寸、外形、表面质量、试验方法和检验规则 的一般规定 General rules of dimensions, shape, surface quality, test method and inspection for expansion alloys H58 GB/T 14986 - 1994 耐蚀软磁合金技术条件 Corrosion-resisting soft magnetic alloys technical requirements H58 GB/T 14987 - 1994 高硬度高电阻高磁导合金 High permability alloys with high hardness and high electrical resistance H58 GB/T 14988 - 1994 磁滞合金冷轧带 Cold-rolled strips for hysteresis alloys H58 GB/T 14989 - 1994 铁钴钒永磁合金 Iron-cobalt-vanadium permanent-magnet alloys H58 GB/T 14990 - 1994 铁钴钼磁滞合金热轧(或锻)棒材 Hot roiled(or forged)bars for iron-cobalt-molybde-numhysteresis alloys H58 GB/T 14991 - 1994 变形永磁钢 Deformable permanent-magnet steels H58 GB/T 14992 - 1994 高温合金牌号 Types of heat-resisting super alloys H58 GB/T 14993 - 1994 转动部件用高温合金热轧棒材 Hot-rolled heat-resisting superalloy bars for rotating parts H58 GB/T 14994 - 1994 高温合金冷拉棒材 Cold brawn heat-resistiting superalloy bars H58 GB/T 14995 - 1994 高温合金热轧钢板 Hot-rolled heat-resisting superalloy plates H58 GB/T 14996 - 1994 高温合金冷轧薄板 Cold-rolled heat-resisting superalloy sheets H58 GB/T 14997 - 1994 高温合金锻制圆饼 Forged heat-resisting superalloy disks H58 GB/T 14998 - 1994 高温合金环件毛坯 Heat-resisting superalloy blanks for forged rings H58 GB/T 14999. 1 - 1994高温合金棒材纵向低倍组织酸浸试验法 Methods 0f acid etch test for longitudinal macro-structures of heat-resisting superalloy bars H58 GB/T 14999. 2 - 1994高温合金横向低倍组织酸浸试验法 Methods 0f acid etch test for transvese macro-structures of heat-resisting super alloys H58 GB/T 14999. 3 - 1994高温合金棒材纵向断口试验法 Methods of long itudinal fracture test for heat-resisting superalloy bars H58 GB/T 14999. 4 - 1994高温合金显微组织试验法 Methods of examining micro- structures for heat-resist superalloys H58 GB/T 14999. 5 - 1994高温合金低倍、高倍组织标准评级图谱 Photomicrographs and photomacrographs for evaluating of heat-resisting superalloys H58 GB/T 15001 - 1994 软磁合金尺寸、外形、表面质量、试验方法和检验规则的一般规定 General rules of dimensions, shape, surface quality, test method and inspection for soft magnetic alloys H58 GB/T 15002 - 1994 高饱和磁感应强度软磁合金技术条件 High saturation intensity of magnetization soft magnetic alloys technical requirements H58 GB/T15003 - 1994 恒磁导率合金技术条件 Permanent permeability alloys technical requirements H58 GB/T 15004 - 1994 铁铝软磁合金技术条件 Iron-aluminium soft magnetic alloys technical requirements H58 GB/T 15005 - 1994 磁温度补偿合金技术条件 Magnetic compensate alloys depending on temperature variation technical requirements H58 GB/T 15006 - 1994 弹性合金的尺寸、外形、表面质量、试验方法和检验规则的一般规定 General rules of dimensions, shape, surface quality, test method and inspection for elastic alloys H58 GB/T 15018 - 1994 精密合金牌号 Designation of precision alloys H58 GB/T 15019 - 2003 快淬金属分类和牌号 Designation and classification of rapidly quenched metals H58 GB/T 15062 - 1994 一般用途高温合金管 Heat-resisting superalloy tube for general application H58 GB/T 19345 - 2003 非晶、纳米晶软磁合金带材 Amorphous and nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloy strips H58 GB/T 19346 - 2003 非晶纳米晶软磁合金交流磁性能测试方法 Measuring method of magnetic properties at alternative current for amorphous and nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloys H59 GB/T 6883 - 1995 线、棒和管拉模用硬质合金模坯 Wire, bar or tube drawing dies - As sintered pellets of hard metal H59 GB/T 15007 - 1994 耐蚀合金牌号 Designations of corrosion- resisting alloy H59 GB/T 15008 - 1994 耐蚀合金棒 Corrosion-resisting alloy bars H59 GB/T 15009 - 1994 耐蚀合金热轧板 Hot-rolled plates of corrosion-resisting H59 GB/T 15010 - 1994 耐蚀合金冷轧薄板 Cold-rolled sheets of corrosion-resisting H59 GB/T 15011 - 1994 耐蚀合金冷轧(拔)无缝管 Cold-rolled(drawn)seamless tubes of corrosion-resisting alloy H59 GB/T 15012 - 1994 耐蚀合金冷轧带 Cold-rolled strips of corrosion-resisting alloy H59 GB/T 15013 - 1994 精密合金用磁学特性和磁学量术语 Magnetic characters and magnetic value terms definitions for precision alloys H59 GB/T 15014 - 1994 弹性合金领域内的物理特性和物理量术语与定义 Physical characters and physical values terms definitions for elastically alloys H59 GB/T 15015 - 1994 膨胀合金领域内的物理特性和物理量术语与定义 Physical characters and physical values terms definitions for expansion alloys H59 GB/T 15016 - 1994 热双金属领域内的物理特性和物理量术语与定义 Physical characters and physical values terms definitions for thermostatic bimetals H59 GB/T 15017 - 1994 电阻合金领域内的物理特性和物理量术语与定义 Physical characters and physical values terms definitions for electric resistance alloys |
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