Металлорежущие станкиСодержание:50 Металлорежущие станки - общее 51 детали Металлорежущих станков 52 вспомогательные компоненты 53 токарный станок 54 станки бурения, расточки, фрезеровки 55 шлифовальный станок 56 станки обработки шестёрень и винтовой нарезки 57 ножовочный станок 58 комбинированные станки 59 особые обрабатывающие станки J50 GB/T 3167-1993 金属切削机床操作指示形象化符号 Symbols for indications appearing On machine tools J50 GB/T 3168-1993 数字控制机床操作指示形象化符号 Numerical control of machines-Symbols J50 GB/T 4215-1984 金属切削机床噪声声功率级的测定 Determination of sound power levels of noise emitted by metal cutting machine tools JS0 GB 5226. 1 - 2002 机械安全机械电气设备第l部分: 通用技术条件 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements J50 GB/T 5900. 1-1997 机床主轴端部与花盘互换性尺寸第l部分: A型 Machine tools - Spindle noses and face plates-Sizes for interchangeability - Part 1. Type A JS0 GB/T5900. 2-1997 机床主轴端部与花盘互换性尺寸第2部分: 凸轮锁紧型 Machine tools-Spindle noses and face plates-Sizes for interchangeability - Part 2: Camlock type J50 GB/T 5900. 3-1997 机床主轴端部与花盘互换性尺寸第3部分: 卡口型 Machine tools-spindle noses and face plates-Sizes for interchangeability - Part 3: Bayonet type J50 GB/T 6477. 1-1986 金属切削机床术语基本术语 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools-Basic terminology J50 GB/T 6477. 2-1986 金属切削机床术语组合机床及组合机床自动线 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools – Modular machine tools and transfer lines J50 GB/T 6477. 3-1986 金属切削机床术语车床 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools-lathes J50 GB/T 6477. 4-1986 金属切削机床术语钻床 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools-Drilling machines J50 GB/T6477. 5-1986 金属切削机床术语镗床 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools - Boring machines J50 GB/T 6477. 6-1986 金属切削机床术语磨床 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools-Grinding machines J50 GB/T 6477. 7-1986 金属切削机床术语齿轮加工机床 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools-Gear Cutting machines J50 GB/T 6477. 8-1986 金属切削机床术语螺纹加工机床 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools - Thread rag machines J50 GB/T6477. 9-1986 金属切削机床术语铣床 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools - Milling machines J50 GB/T 6477. 10一1986金属切削机床术语刨床和插床 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools-Planning and slotting machines J50 GB/T6477. 11-1986金属切削机床术语拉床 Terminology for metal-cuing machine tools-Broaching machines J50 GB/T 6477. 13-1986金属切削机床术语锯床 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools-Sawing machines J50 GB/T 6477. 14-1986金属切削机床术语刻线机 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools-Dividing machines J50 GB/T 6477. 15-1986金属切削机床术语管子加工机床 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools-Pipe cutting machines JS0 GB/T 6477. 16-1986金属切削机床术语机床附件 Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools-Machine tool accessory J50 GB/T 6576 - 2602 机床润滑系统 Machine tools - Lubrication systems JS0 GB/T 8870-1988 机床数字控制点位、直线运动和轮廓控制系统的数据格式 Numerical control of machines-Data format for positioning, line motion and contouring control sys-tents J50 GB/T 9061-1988 金属切削机床通用技术条件 General specifications for metal-cutting machine tools J50 GB/T 12217-1990 机器轴高 Machines - Shaft heights J50 GB/T 13574-1992 金属切削机床静刚度检验通则 Metal-cutting machine tools-Test code for static rigidity J50 GB/T 15375-1994 金属切削机床型号编制方法 Metal-cutting machine tools - Method of type designation JS0 GB 15760 - 2004 金属切削机床安全防护通用技术条件 Metal-cutting machine tools-General safeguarding specification JS0 GB/T 16768-1997 金属切削机床振动测量方法 Metal-cutting machine tools-Measurement method for vibration JS0 GB/T 16769-1997 金属切削机床噪声声压级测量方法 Metal-cutting machine tools-Measurement method of sound pressure level J50 GB/T 17161-1997 机床控制装置的操作方向 Machine tools - Direction of operation of controls J50 GB/T 17162-1997 机床速度和进给量 Machine tools - - Speeds and feeds J50 GB/T 17421. 1-1998机床检验通则第1部分: 在无负荷或精加工条件下机床的几何精度 Test code for machine tools - Part 1: Geometric accuracy of machines operating under no-load or finishing conditions JSO GB/T 17421. 2 - 2000机床检验通则第2部分: 数控轴线的定位精度和重复定位精度的确定 Test code for machine tools-Part 2: Determination of accuracy and repeatability of positioning numerically controlled axes J50 GB/T 17421. 4 - 2003机床检验通则第4部分: 数控机床的圆检验 Test code for machine tools~Part 4: Circular tests for numerically control led machine tools J50 GB 18568 - 2601 加工中心安全防护技术条件 Machining centres-Safeguarding specification J5l GB/T3837 - 2601 7: 24手动换刀刀柄圆锥 7/24 tapers for tool shanks for manual changing J51 GB/T 17587. 1-1998滚珠丝杠副第l部分: 术语和符号 Ball screws-Part 1: Vocabulary and designation J51 GB/T 17587. 2-1998滚珠丝杠副第2部分: 公称直径和公称导程公制系列 Ball screws - Part 2: Nominal diameters and nominal leads - Metric series J51 GB/T 17587. 3-1998滚珠丝杠副第3部分: 验收条件和验收检验 Ball screws-Part 3: Acceptance conditions and acceptance tests J52 GB/T 158-1996 机床工作台T形槽和相应螺栓 Machine tool tables - T-slots and corresponding bolts J52 GB/T 2554. 1-1998 机械分度头精度检验 Mechanical dividing heads - Testing of accuracy J52 GB/T 2554. 2-1998 机械分度头分类和技术条件 Mechanical dividing heads-Classifications and technical specifications J52 GB/T4346. 1 - 2002 机床用手动自定心卡盘第1部分: 参数和技术要求 Self-centring manually-operated chucks for machine tools - Part 1: Dimensions and specifications J52 GB/T4346. 2 - 2002 机床用手动自定心卡盘第2部分: 验收试验规范(几何精度检验) Self-centring manually -operated chucks for machine tools - Part 2: Acceptance test specifications f geometrical tests) J52 GB/T 6087 - 2003 扳手三爪钻夹头 Key type three jaw drill chucks J52 GB/T 6090 - 2003 钻夹头圆锥 Drill chuck tapers J52 GB/T9204. 1-1988 固定顶尖参数 Dead centre - Parameter J52 GB/T9204. 2-1988 固定顶尖精度 Dead centre-Testing of the accuracy J52 GB/T9204. 3-1988 固定顶尖技术条件 Dead centre-Specification J52 GB/T 14534-1993 电磁吸盘 Electromagnetic chuck J53 GB/T 1582-1993 卧式车床参数 General purpose parallel lathes-Parameters J53 GB/T 4020-1997 卧式车床精度检验 Acceptance conditions for general purpose parallel lathes - Testing of the accuracy J53 GB/T 4683-1993 转塔车床精度 Turret lathes - Testing of the accuracy J53 GB/T 5268-1985 车床刀架装刀槽高度 Machine tools-Lathe tool posts-Overall internal height J53 GB/T 14535-1993 单轴自动车床精度 Single spindle automatic lathes-Testing of the accuracy J53 GB/T 16462-1996 数控卧式车床精度检验 Numerically controlled turning machines - Testing of the accuracy J54 GB/T 2813 - 2003 台式钻床参数 Bench drilling machines-Parameters J-54 GB/T 2814 - 2003 立式钻床参数 Vertical Drilling machines - Parameters J54 GB/T 2815 - 2003 钻床主轴端部 Drilling machines-spindle noses J54 GB/T 3932-1983 工作台不升降铣床精度 Milling machines with table of fixed height with horizontal 0r vertical spindle-Testing of the accuracy J54 GB/T3933. 2 - 2002 升降台铣床检验条件精度检验第2部分: 卧式铣床 Test conditions for milling machines with table of variable height - Testing of ace - Part 2: Machines with horizontal spindle J54 GB/T3933. 3 - 2002 升降台铣床检验条件精度检验第8部分: 立式铣床 Test conditions for milling machines with table of variable height - Testing of accuracy - Part 3: Machines with vertical spindle J54 GB/T 4017-1997 摇臂钻床精度检验 Radial drilling machines - Testing of the accuracy J54 GB/T 4018. 1-1997 圆柱立式钻床精度检验第l部分: 几何精度检验 Pillar type vertical drilling machines - Testing of the accuracy - Part 1: Testing of the geometric accuracy J54 GB/T 4018. 2-1997 圆柱立式钻床精度检验第2部分: 工作精度检验 Pillar type vertical drilling machines - Testing of the accuracy - Part 2: Testing of the working accuracy J54 GB/T 4019. 1-1997 方柱立式钻床精度检验第1部分: 几何精度检验 Box type vertical drilling machines - Testing of the accuracy - Part 1: Geometrical tests J54 GB/T 4019. 2-1997 方柱立式钻床精度检验第2部分: 工作精度检验 Box type vertical drilling machines - Testing of the accuracy - Part 2: Working tests J54 GB/T 5289. 2 - 2000 卧式铣镗床检验条件精度检验第2部分: 台式机床 Test conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle - Testing of the accuracy-Part 2: Table type machines J54 GB/T 9461 - 2003 摇臂钻床参数 Radial drilling machines-Parameters J54 GB/T 14660-1993 数控坐标镗床精度 NC jig boring machine - Testing of the accuracy J54 GB/T 18400. 6 - 2001加工中心检验条件第6部分: 进给率、速度和插补精度检验 Test conditions for macmnmg centres-Part 6: Accuracy of feeds. speeds and interpolations J54 GB/T 18400. 8 - 2001加工中心检验条件第8部分: 三个坐标平面上轮廓特性的评定 Test conditions for machining centres - Part 8: Evaluation of the contouring performance in the three coordinate planes J54 GB/T 19362. 1 - 2003龙门铣床检验条件精度检验第l部分: 固定式龙门铣床 , Machine tools – Test conditions for bridge-type milling Machines-Testing of the accuracy - Part 1: Fixed bridge(portal-type)machines J55 GB/T 4022-1983 卧轴矩台平面磨床精度 Surface grinding machines with horizontal grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table-Testing of the accuracy J55 GB4674-1984 磨削机械安全规程 Safety code for grinding machines J55 GB/T 4681-1984 无心磨床精度 External cylindrical centerless grinding machines-Testing of the accuracy J55 GB/T 4682-1984 内圆磨床精度 External cylindrical grinding machines with horizontal spindles-Testing of the accuracy J55 GB/T4684-1994 外圆磨床参数 External cylindrical grinding machines-Parameters J55 GB/T 4685-1994 外圆磨床精度 External cylindrical grinding machines-Accuracy J55 GB/T 5288-1985 龙门导轨磨床精度 Slideways grinding machines with two columns-Testing of the accuracy J55 GB/T 6469 - 2004 卧轴矩台平面磨床参数 Surface grinding machines with horizontal grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table-Parameters J55 GB/T 6470 - 2004 无心外圆磨床参数 External cylindrical centerless grinding machines-Parameters J55 GB/T 6471 - 2004 内圆磨床参数 internal cylindrical grinding machines-Parameters J55 GB/T 6474-1986 导轨磨床参数 Surface grinding machines for grinding slideways-Parameters J55 GB/T 6476-1986 立轴矩台平面磨床精度 Surface grinding machines with vertical grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table-Testing of the accuracy J55 GB/T 7177-1987 双端面磨床参数 Double disc surface grinding machines-Parameters J55 GB/T 7923 - 2004 立轴矩台平面磨床参数 Surface grinding machines with vertical grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table-Parameters J55 GB/T 7924 - 2004 光学曲线磨床参数 Optical projection profile grinding machines-Parameters J55 GB/T 10927 - 2004 立轴圆台平面磨床参数 Surface grinding machines with vertical spindle and rotary table-Parameters J55 GB/T 10930 - 2004 花键轴磨床参数 Splines shaft grinding machines-Parameters J56 GB/T 8064-1998 滚齿机精度检验 Acceptance conditions for gear hobbing machines-Testing of the accuracy J56 GB/T 9059-1988 精密插齿机精度 Precision gear shaping machines-Testing of the accuracy J56 GB/T9167 - 2003 花键轴铣床精度检验 Spline hobbing machines-Testing of the accuracy J56 GB/T 10173-1988 滚齿机参数 Gear hobbing machines-Parameters J57 GB/T 4680一1997 卧式内拉床精度检验 Horizontal internal broaching machines-Testing of the accuracy J57 GB/T 4686-1984 插齿机精度 Gear shaping machines - Testing of the accuracy J57 GB/T 6472-1996 立式内拉床精度检验 Vertical internal broaching machines-Testing of the accuracy J57 GB/T 6473-1996 立式外拉床精度检验 Vertical surface broaching machines - Testing of the accuracy J57 GB/T 14302-1993 牛头刨床精度 shap啦machines - Testing of the accuracy J58 GB/T 3668. 1-1983 组合机床通用部件多轴箱箱体和输入轴尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction-Multi-spindle heads-Casing and input drive shaft dimen-sions J58 GB/T 3668. 2-1983 组合机床通用部件支架尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction-Support Brackets-Dimensions J58 GB/T 3668. 3-1983 组合机床通用部件 回转工作台和回转工作台用多边形中间底座尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction-Rotary tables and multi-sided centre bases for rotary tables-Dimensions J58 GB/T3668. 4-1983 组合机床通用部件滑台尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction-Slide Units-Dimensions J58 GB/T 3668. 5-1983 组合机床通用部件动力箱尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction-Head-stocks-Dimensions J58 GB/T 3668. 6-1983 组合机床通用部件滑台侧底座尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction - Wing bases for slide units - Dimensions J58 GB/T 3668. 7-1983 组合机床通用部件 中间底座和立柱尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction - Centre bases and columns - Dimensions J58 GB/T3668. 8-1983 组合机床通用部件立柱侧底座尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction-Wing base for columns-Dimensions J58 GB/T 3668. 9-1983 组合机床通用部件主轴部件尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction-Spindle units-Dimensions J58 GB/T 3668. 10一1983组合机床通用部件多轴箱主轴端部和可调接杆尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction-Spindle noses and adjustable adaptors for multi-spindle heads-Dimensions J58 GB/T 3668. 11-1983组合机床通用部件有导轨立柱尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction-Integral way columns-Dimensions J58 GB/T 3668. 12-1983组合机床通用部件落地式有导轨立柱尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction - Floor-mounted type-Integral way columns-Dimensions J58 GB/T 3668. 13-1983组合机床通用部件安装多轴箱用的法兰盘和端面传动键尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction-Tenon-drive and flanges for mounting multi-spindle heads-Dimensions J59 GB/T 5290. 1 - 2001 电火花成形机参数第l部分: 单立柱机床(十字工作台型和固定工作台型) Die sinking electro-discharge machines(EDM)-Parameters - Part l: Single column machines(cross slide table type and fixed table type J59 GB/T 5290. 2 - 2003 电火花成形机参数第2部分: 双立柱机床(移动主轴头型和十字工作台型) Die sinking electro-discharge machines(EDM)-Parameters Part 2: Two column machines(Slide-head type and CROSS slide table type) J59 GB/T5291. 1 - 2001 电火花成形机精度检验第1部分: 单立柱机床(十字工作台型和固定工作台型) Die sinking electro-discharge machines(EDM)-Testing of accuracy - Part 1: Single column machines (cross slide table type and fixed table type) J59 GB/T 5291. 2 - 2003 电火花成形机精度检验第2部分: 双立柱机床(移动主轴头型和十字工作台型) Die sinking electro-discharge machines(EDM)- Testing of accuracy Part 2: Two column machines (Slide-head type and cross- slide table type) J59 GB/T 7925-1987 电火花线切割机参数 Parameters of wire cut electric discharge machines J59 GB/T 7926-1987 电火花线切割机精度 Accuracy of wire cut electric discharge machines J59 GB/T 14896. 1-1994特种加工机床术语基本术语 Non-traditional machine tools-Terminology-Basic terminology J59 GB/T 14896. 2-1994特种加工机床术语放电加工机床 Non-traditional machine tools - Terminology-Electro-discharge machine tools J59 GB/T 14896. 3-1994特种加工机床术语电解加工机床 Non-traditional machine tools-Terminology-Electrolytic machine tools J59 GB/T 14896. 4-1994特种加工机床术语超声加工机床 Non-traditional machine tools-Terminology - Ultra-sonic machine tools J59 GB/T 14896. 5-1994特种加工机床术语复合加工机床 Non-traditional machine tools-Terminology-Combined machining machine tools J59 GB/T 14896. 6-1994特种加工机床术语其他特种加工机床 Non-traditional machine tools-Terminology-Other non-traditional machine tools J59 GB/T 14896. 7 - 2004特种加工机床术语第7部分: 快速成形机床 t Non-traditional machine tools-Terminology-Part 7:Rapid prototyping machines J59 GB/T 19361 - 2003 电火花线切割机(单向走丝型) 精度检验 Wire electrical-discharge machines(Unidirectional traveling type - Testing of the accuracy) |
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